Hogwarts Train Express

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I walk up to the Train Express and l saw my childhood friend Jasmine. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug and she was so happy to see me,her beautiful feline eyes and blond her she has changed over the years she looked even more pretty.

While l was still looking at her she waved her hand over my face, l quickly snapped out of it she looked very beautiful her eyes where glowing l felt drown to them as if l could stare at her forever .

She then asked" Aww pretty y/n l see you have missed me,you didn't even say goodbye to me why? " I didn't reply because l couldnt tell her about my family problems l knew l could trust her but part of me didnt feel like telling her. I then said" Well you see Jasmine my mother was sick so l couldn't leave a note" l lied.  She gave me a big hug and said "l think its time to go now the first years are already saying goodbye, l hope we will be in the same house !" She said with excitement . I gave her a big smile "Yeah hope l'll see you in the same house as me bye Jasmine!!"

I left her and walked back to my mother who was waiting for me, she seemed to not care at all if l left. She only cared for my sister. "Y/N l hope you won't forget the task l asked you too do ?"  She whispered in my ear, l quickly knew what she was talking about , l wasn't ready to do the task but l had to obey her and the Dark Lord . "Yes mother l won't forget " l mumbled, she then replied"Good because l never raised a failure don't be a weak little girl y/n." She said in a serious tone. I was hurt once again by her words l couldn't say anything back to her l just left and never said goodbye, l could feel tears run down  my cheeks.

I then soon realized someone was behind me. I looked back and l saw this handsome tall boy who towered over me , l was completely lost in those blue eyes they seemed so mesmerizing,they made me feel safe. "Umm hello?" He said, "Oh hey l'm sorry l just have a headache and um.. l was just looking for something.." l lied
He then asked " Is everything okay how can a gorgeous girl like you cry?"   
" I just told you l have a headache and nothing else you should mind your own business!" I snapped back

"OH l'm  sorry l didn't mean it like that  l just wanted to check if you were alright that's all" he said in a low raspy voice,  l replied " Whatever"-rolling my eyes at him, he then introduced himself  " l'm Jacob Nawaro and you are...??" I replied "l'm y/n Blackwood" 

"Nice to meet you Blackwood see you around ." He winked at me and left.

I soon went to look for an extra place to sit in and l finally found a seat

-" Excuse me,may l seat here?" I said without looking at the person
-"Sure" he said in a serious tone
-"Thank you !" I replied with a smile of my face, l took my book out

I finally found my book and l started reading. I couldn't read anymore but take a look at the boy who was sitting infront of me. -" You can't stop looking can you Y/N" he said in a sexy raspy voice . I realized the person who was sitting infront of me was Jacob. -"Ohhhhh  please Jacob. " l replied -" Y/N its obvious you have a crush on me." - he said
-" No l don't..." l replied and rolling my eyes at him. -"Well l think You do ." He  winked at me and l sightly blushed. He chuckled and placed a smirk on his face. -"Whatever Jacob you just wish l did have a crush on you." I replied and placed a smirk on my face . -" Darling l know you will need me and you will beg for it." He smirked at me. At this point l was about to slap him. -"Jacob please l'm not in the mood for those type of things " l replied. - " Then what type of mood are you in ? " he replied looking into my eyes . I then choked on my spit -"Whaaaaa---aat are you talking about?" I replied breaking out the eye contact -" Don't worry y/n darling." He replied whispering into my ear .

We passed the journey to Hogwarts talking about spells,Families,theories and muggles. When we arrived to Hogwarts Jacob went to the Slytherin table and l went to the front of the Great Hall with Professor Dumbledore. When all the students were sitting at their respective tables ,Professor Dumbledore started his welcome speech.

-"Good evening students,it is with great pleasure that l receive you in Hogwarts one more time,for our surprise we have a new student this year she was a transfer from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, please greet our new student Miss Y/N Blackwood!"-

Then all the students started to look at me, Gryffindors ,Hufflepuff  and some  Ravenclaws were clapping and smiling, while the Slytherins were looking at me with a curious gaze on their faces. They probably know about my family's past and their wrong doings. Finally l sat Professor Dumbledore put the sorting hat on my head to see which house l belonged too.

-"Hmmm fascinating mind we have here miss.....?"-

-" Blackwood,Y/N Blackwood."

-"Hmmm you are kind,Loyal,Brave and cunning.... l think you will be good in SLYTHERIN !!!!"

After he said that all the Slytherins started to clap for me and scream and l gave them a huge smile,while l was walking to the Slytherin table, l noticed Jacob and went to sit next to him.

-"Well l guess we could finish what we left at the Hogwarts Train express." I said to him with a smirk on my face.
-"Ouu Y/N Blackwood l thought you were innocent" he mocked me. -"Well l am and also l'm a good girl." I replied to him with a low voice .
-"Ohh please Y/N stop playing games with me you will regret it." He replied
-"Pftt whatever Jacob"l rolled my eyes at him and l had him chuckle.


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