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Meaning: appreciation

After having gave birth to Mary Aster and John Giovanni, Dick realized that Zatanna's been going through some self-esteem issues.

She's been staring at herself in the mirror for a good ten minutes now in her bra and a pair of gray sweatpants.

It seems to be the only thing she wears now-a-days. The bra was replaced with a baggy t-shirt most days.

"I don't think anything has changed into the last ten minutes you've been staring in the mirror, Tanna." The detective stood up from their bed and wrapped his arms around her waist. The magician just sent him a withering look in the mirror.

He only nuzzled his face into her neck in response and moved his hands down lower on her stomach and ghosted over the faint purple markings, the proof of their children's birth.

"They're ugly."

"They're beautiful." He kissed the spot where her neck and shoulder met and brushed over the stretch marks again.

"How can you say that."

"These marks are the proof of our love and of our children. How could anything from the product of our love be ugly?" Two small little knocks punctuated his words. The door creaked open and Mary Aster and John poked their heads around the corner. They opened the door wider to reveal them standing in their pajamas holding hands.

"Can we sleep in here with you?" Mary Aster asked.

"Come one," Dick nodded towards the bed. The two grinned and broke out into full sprints towards the bed. "They climbed up into the bed, Mary Aster helping John up since he was too short to climb up himself, and scrambled underneath the covers. Dick started walking towards them but looked back over his shoulder to his wife. "Are you coming?"

Zatanna turned from the mirror to her two darlings whose head were peeking from underneath the blankets. She closed her eyes and a brilliant smile lit her face. "Yes. I'm coming."

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