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So I meant to upload this earlier, but I was spending the day with my mom. Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there! I couldn't think of any ideas to write for the day so I just decided to upload something I had written a few days prior.

Exams are starting heavy this week and make up work is coming in hard for the end of the year. Once I'm finished with that, I swear I'm gonna try to update more. So bare with me for now. Hope you enjoy this drabble.

Thank you guys so much for 1k+ reads too.

Hanging out with Zatanna has become a favored pastime of his.

Ever since he became the leader of the Team, his life has been hectic. Between dealing with the aftermath of Aqualad changing sides, and working with the League to find out what during their missing sixteen hours, he felt like his brain was being split in two.

So it was a nice break coming back to his apartment to find the lights dimmed and Zatanna in her pajamas sitting on the floor watching some random movie, with two jumbo buckets of popcorn sitting beside her. A pair of his slacks and a t-shirt was laid out on the couch behind her.

"Hey. Up for a movie night?"

Dick chuckled, "Looks like you started already."

"It's only the opening previews. You still got time." The magician reached back and held the sleeping clothes out for him. "Unless you want to sit and watch movies in your tight, sweaty, dirty uniform. I'm not sure how comfortable that would be though."

"Let me take a shower and I'll be right with you." He grabbed the clothes from her hand and left to go get changed.

"I'm timing you!" she called out from the living room.

It was ten minutes later when he was pulling on his slacks when there was knocking on his bedroom door. He opened the door to the magician giving him a dry look with a half empty bucket of popcorn under her arm. "I don't understand how you always take so long to get dressed."

He leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed in front of his chest and with a playful smirk that bordered on coy and teasing. "It would be faster if you used your magic."

"Nah. I can't do all the work for you." She shoved the popcorn bucket to his chest. He caught the bucket before it fell as she took off back down the hall. She looked back over her shoulder, a wide smile sending butterflies in his stomach and gluing him in the doorway. "Come on, before I start the movie without you."

He grinned before taking off after her. Some of the popcorn flew out of the bucket and fell to the floor behind him as he chased after her, but he would clean up later. There was a movie to catch and the girl of his dreams to hang out with.

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