Scarlet Geranium

89 3 0

Meaning: comforting

The alarms woke Dick before the booming clap of thunder did. The rain was so loud he could hear it as well as the hail being carried by the harsh winds torrenting on the house. The storm was here.

"I'll go get the kids. You should turn off all the lights." His beautiful wife woke up after the second wave of the siren. Even still sleepy she was up and hurrying to the room adjacent to theirs to wake the kids. Quickly following after her, he went about the house turning off the lights and A/C and unplugging whatever felt necessary.

They've been watching this storm for a while. Though it wasn't caused by any supernatural or villainous means, it could still cause danger to those who could get caught out in it. Dick and Zatanna have been on standby with the others to help the city in case it came their way and it looks like it did.

When he returned to their shared bedroom Mary and John were standing at the foot of their bed while Zatanna milled about the room.

"Dad, what's going on?" Mary, his 7-year old ran up to him. Her hair was a little messy from a rough sleep but her eyes were wide and alert, clutching her stuffed toy robin close to her chest in one hand and holding onto her little brother's with the other.

"It's a really bad storm, little birdy." Dick crouched down to be on level with the brunette whose eyes reflected his in every way. "Your mom and I have to go help the people who might've gotten caught in it."

"Tcetorp siht emoh." There was a glitter in the air as the spell took effect. The air felt charged with a new energy.

"We wanna help too!" John spoke up, his toy wand plushie held close to his chest in the opposite hand to his sisters, though unlike her he was still sleepy if the way his eyes drooped every now and then was anything to go by.

"It's too dangerous." Zatanna crouched down beside him as she reached out to adjust the collars of their pajamas. "We'd feel better if we knew that both of you were safe."


"No buts."

"Hmph!" Mary huffed. Everyone says that Mary takes after him, but he definitely sees Zatanna in her.

"Egnahc su otni ruo smrofinu." Magic swirled around them and in the next second they were Nightwing and Zatanna, the heroes.

"Tropelet su ot eht taB evaC!"

In a swirl of blue smoke they were gone from their bedroom and the spacious but tech filled Bat Cave. Alfred and Damien were standing by the Supercomputer.

"Be good." They both bent down to hug them in a group hug.

"Yes ma'am."

"You too Damien." Dick gave his brother a crossed look.

"Whatever Grayson."

Zatanna stepped back. "Ekat em dna gniwthgiN otni eht mrots."

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