Chapter 9

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"Oh but Ashley your dad shouldn't do this to you. You are a great dancer." Milly said after I told her my story.

"Yeah but it's not my choice so I'm just gonna let it go. I don't want him to get angry and let us move again because I really like it here."

" Hey don't say that. It's your talent and you have to use it. Don't you know how far you can go with this?" Milly said trying to convince me but I had already made up my mind.

" I will think about it but I doubt it will go anyway," I muttered and managed a fake smile so that she wouldn't bug me with it anymore.

"Okay if u need anything and I mean anything don't hesitate to ask me alright?" she said quietly as we approached the others.

After we took our dresses we dropped Iris off at her house and went home. My dad wasn't home when we got back meaning he will be staying late at work.

I went upstairs to my room and had a long 2-hour nap. Today has been a long day.

My nap was interrupted when got a notification on my phone. It was a text from Will.

Will: Hey Ash. It's Will

Ashley: Hey. What's up?

Will: I'm ok. And u?

Ashley: I'm fine. I want to Thank you again for what you did today😊.

Will: How many times will you Thank me?😂 It's okay don't worry about it.

Ashley: Yeah I know but I was kinda rude to you the first time we met. But you deserved it though. You had no right to throw our bags on the floor that's just disrespectful.

Will: Umm yeah. I'm really sorry about that and about how my teammates reacted🙏 .
But you got guts talking to us like that. I admire you courage😉💖.

Ashley: And who do you think you are? I just did what people didn't have the balls to do. But anyway Thanks.

Will: You know you are really something :) Courageous

Ashley: Ha yeah I guess. Anyways I have to sleep now.

Will: Oh okay. See you tomorrow then.

Ashley: Good night.

Will: Night Ash♡

Pervet. But he's not that bad I guess. Anyways I don't see myself with him ever.


FRIDAY!! Finally the week is coming to an end. And also tomorrow is the day for the grand opening of ICONIC FASHIONS. I can't wait! And the best part is Iris will be there with me. All the other kids over there will be the children of my mom's business partners and I can't stand them.

Most of my classes on Friday are fun and short. I hadn't seen Will since I came and now it's 3rd period. Not like I was looking for him or anything.

Right now Iris and I were heading to the girls locker room to change for Gym and just as I expected Veronica and her minions were taking pictures and making videos. No surprise there.

Veronica turned and looked at me. Her face fool of disgust and make up. Was that even allowed in school?

"Aww look, it's Will's new bimbo." Veronica said loudly enough for all the girls to hear. They all snickered and made some nasty comments.

I was just about to turn around and teach that bitch some manners when Iris held my hand. "Ignore them. It's not worth it." Iris whispered

I calmed down and stomped out of the dressing room with Iris at my tail. Before I slammed the door I heard Veronica shout behind me "Live this glory to the fullest, it won't last that long bitch!"

Ughhh I hate her sooo much. How did Will even handle her! Oh it figures, no wonder he left her. But wat she said still bothered me. What if Will was just using me to make her jealous or something? I won't let him get into my heart.... I'm a Metal Heart.

"Iris don't pay attention to them, they probably just jelly okay?" Iris smiled at me.

"Yeah let's go, we don't want to be late."

Our Gym teacher thought it would be lovely to play volleyball today. Now I was ok with that except for the fact that its outdoors!!! And do you know why, it's because I'm wack at volleyball and everyone is going to be watching, OUTSIDEEEEE!! There were two options for me.
1. Fake an injury and avoid being humiliated
2. Going out there and facing the music.

The fake injury thing wouldn't get anywhere so number 2 it is. But on the bright side our gym wears are cute.

We gathered around our teacher and she put us in two groups. "Okay Team blue on the right side and Team black on the left. Ok now this isn't just a game. The winning team will get additional marks to their academic work so play hard and win. Oh and play fair." Coach instructed as we got into position. Right now am a nervous reck. Oh God I'm going to fail miserably.

"Ashley are you ok?" Akorfa our team captain asked. No I'm not. I'm going to be the cause of us loosing. "Umm yeah I am."

Our coach blew the whistle and we started. Thankfully I was positioned at the back so it was good so I didn't have to do so much . Just as we were about starting two guys came onto the pitch.

" Josh, Will you are late and don't tell me your reasons because I don't care. Will you are on Veronica's team, Josh you are on Akorfa's team." Oh no now more distractions. Will is going to see me make a fool out of myself. Not like I care or anything. I actually do.

Josh stood beside me. "Hey you don't look too good are you ok . You are sweating even though the match hasn't yet started."

"Mm actually am not. I'm really bad at this game and it's going to count as extra credit for our reports. " I don't know why but I felt better telling him. Will was staring at me with some look in his eyes that I couldn't quite read.

"Ash hey don't worry. I'll help you. I'm great at it so all you have to do is move around and jump a little. I'll do the saves for you."

Oh my Josh is so awesome. "Thank you so much."
"Don't worry about it." He flashed me a sweet smile.

Doing the whole game it's like Veronica was targeting the ball at me like she knew I couldn't play. That bitch. But Josh as promised took the saves for me. The only thing that bothered me was that Will would look at me every once in a while.

It was left with 5 minutes more to end the match and we were drawing. I had to at least hit the ball once. So as the ball got to me I gave it my all and shot it to the opposite side and we won!!! I can't believe it actually. I made the last goal. My team members surrounded me, giving me high fives. I'm so proud of myself right now but all this wouldn't have been possible without Josh.

"Hey Ash I'm so proud of you." Josh jogged towards me and gave me a hug. Wow. "I should be thanking you though. You saved me out there."

"You know you be thanking a lot." I've heard that before. "It's a habit I guessed." Then someone cleared their throat behind us. I turned and saw it was Iris.

"Hey Josh, Ashley, Akorfa is going to buy as lunch for winning so let's go."

"Yeah let's go." I held Iris' hand and went inside.

"Heyy Iris you go ahead I need to do something." I had to speak to Will, I had a feeling there was something wrong.

"Mm ok. I'll meet you in front. "

I went through the halls till I finally found coming out of the locker room. "Hey Ashley. Congrats you played well."

"Yeah thanks. Umm are you okay you looked weird out there."

"Yeah don't worry about it. I gotta go. Bye" he didn't even wait for me to reply and left. I wonder what his problem was. Although for some reason I felt..... hurt.

Heyyy you guys! I've really missed you all and ur comments. I'm sure y'all hate me now:( I'm so sorry I've just been occupied with school and all. Anyways the long waited update is here. Enjoy and please remember to vote, comment and share. :)

Love you alll♥♡ Sorry again.

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