Pleasure in Fear (Apollo!Joseph x Scared!Reader) [Part 2]

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Ask and you shall receive~

Many wanted a second part, so here you go! Be warned that Joseph is still a bit sadistic and mean in this part. 

This one is shorter than the last since it is a continuation.

Type: Still not sure what to call this genre 

Word Count: 1033


The blade under (Y/N)'s chin pressed harder into her skin. So much so that it pierced through the girl's flesh to draw blood. A trail of the crimson liquid ran down from the top of her throat to the base of her neck. Slowly, it dripped down her body, pooling around her collar bone. Tears ran down her face, fear consuming her entirely. The blade reluctantly retreated as Joseph pulled it back a few inches. He turned up his head haughtily, looking down at her with just his eyes. This gave (Y/N) the opportunity to sit up. As she moved, the blood to ran down the middle of her chest, it soon being hidden by her clothing. 

Joseph's eyes traveled down, following the dripping blood. He did not tear his gaze away from the red liquid until his view was obstructed by (Y/N)'s clothing. A soft grunt of disapproval hummed from his sneering lips. The razor sharp blade from his sword swiftly caught on the neckline of the survivor's clothing. Just as Joseph was about to pull the blade down, tearing her top, a hand halted it.

"Stop! Stop it!" (Y/N)'s hand pushed the blade away from her. As a result, a large gash wounded her palm. Blood seeped out, dripping onto her legs and forearm. Joseph looked both annoyed and amused at her actions. 

"Oh~" The photographer carelessly dropped his sword at his side. He kneeled down once more and smirked. "I suppose this little mouse has more than just a voice. She has some fight to her as well, now doesn't she?" He mocked, tilting his head to the side. Joseph reached out and gripped her bleeding hand. He brought it up to his lips where he pressed a gentle kiss to the cut. With the blood now smeared over his mouth, his tongue snaked out to lick some of it away. "You taste absolutely divine, little mouse. It may be rather forward of me to say, but I'd love to taste you more~"

As Joseph tugged on her hand in an attempt to bring it back up to his lips, (Y/N) ripped her hand away and harshly swung at his face. A crimson handprint remained on the photographer's cheek after the loud 'slap' sounded through the halls. 

"I said stop it!" The girl shouted, fear now being replaced with anger. "I didn't come here to be tortured by some creep!"

Joseph was stunned for a few moments. He stayed kneeling as he slowly brought his hand up to his face. His index and middle finger swiped across the handprint, collecting blood for him to examine. "Where did this newfound confidence come from, little mouse?" He mused.

"Stop calling me 'little mouse'! I'm not some animal you can intimidate!" (Y/N) pushed herself up off the ground and looked down at Joseph's crouched form. He was still kneeling, but his daze had gone away. Soon, he stood once more and towered over the survivor.

He glared down, golden eyes narrowing in irritation. "Are you sure about that, little mouse?" The hunter grabbed his sword and stabbed the wall next to the girl's head. The blade was mere centimeters away from her skull, yet she did not flinch. This caught Joseph off guard. She had been so fearful before. Why wasn't she now?

"I don't care anymore. I'm not going to submit to you. You will not have any control over me." Her eyes did not break contact with his. She held her gaze, the fury of a thousand suns blazing within her irises. "Do your worst." 

"I. Dare. You."

The hunter slowly let go of his hold on the sword. His arms dropped to his sides, the blade clattering to the concrete floor below. "You're an odd one, my dear..." He whispered, mainly to himself. "So frightened in the beginning. So, so terrified." He took a couple steps back, creating space between himself and (Y/N). "And now you're inviting me to show the worst parts of myself." the photographer looked her up and down, eyes hesitating when they reach her bloodied neck and palm. 

(Y/N) stayed silent, her slightly heavy breathing being the only audible noise in the hallway. The girl's words were caught in her throat, but she didn't let it show. She kept her eyes locked with his, not looking away for a single second. 

"You surprise me, my dear." Joseph crossed his arms as he circled around (Y/N). "Not many survivors would speak to me this way. That brute of a rugby player, or that sad excuse of a soldier may taunt me, but nobody would ever throw their words around like you do." The photographer did a few more laps around the small survivor before planting his feet back in their original spot in front of her. "You intrigue me. I want to know more about you." He was about to reach out for a strand of her (H/C) hair, but she swiftly knocked his hand away. "And you even push me away like you have some authority over me. How cute~"

Joseph ceased his advances toward (Y/N) and spoke again. "I will let you go this match," The hunter began walking to a nearby camera. "But first, I want a photo. Something to commemorate our first encounter." The girl looked into the camera lens with an expressionless face. Without any complaints, Joseph took the photo. When the camera spit out the polaroid like photo, he shook it a few times to help it develop. "Ahh, so perfect. Even when not trying, you're still stunning~" He admired the picture with a faux cheerful look. 

A pair of golden eyes locked with (Y/N)'s (E/C) ones. "Though, I must warn you..." Joseph leaned in close, brushing her hair back so that his lips were close to her ear. 

"Next time, my dear, I will do my worst~"

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