Are You My Mother? (Axe Boy x Reader)

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I love Axe Boy so much!! I can't wait for the pet to come out in game <3

Type: Platonic/Fluff

Word Count: 2,763


"Well, here I am..." The young girl whispered as she gazed at the large oak wood doors in front of her. Their intimidating size seemed to mock her as she stood before them. 'There's still time to turn back.' A quiet whisper made its way into her mind. 'You could go back to your sisters and mother.' It's alluring message played again in her mind. The small voice was tempting to listen to, but she knew she had to resist. She wasn't doing this for herself. She was doing this for her little sisters. 

Ever since their mother fell ill and their father walked out on them, she became the main provider of the family. With work becoming more and more difficult to find and the paychecks dwindling, she needed to find some other way to sustain her family. Family was everything to her. Her two little sisters especially. (Y/N) had become like a second mother to her sisters. The heartbroken faces of the two kids popped into her mind as she continued to stare blankly at the doors. It would be easier to turn around and go back home to continue to try to find work, but there's no guarantee of a job. This opportunity could allow her to provide for her family, get her mother medical health, and ensure a safe future for her sisters. It was a challenging choice to make, but she couldn't just pass this up.

After mustering up the courage, (Y/N) knocked on the doors. A young woman in a lavender dress opened the door with a smile. She clapped her small hands together as she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. "Oh, you must be the new addition to the manor! You're (Y/N), right?" Her perky attitude and the sweet smile on her face eased (Y/N)'s nerves a bit. 

"Yes, I'm (Y/N). I was sent a letter that told about an opportunity to gain financial support?" The lady in front of her nodded and ushered her inside.

"Yes, everyone in the manor is here for that reason. I don't think I should be the one to explain the details, so I'll let Mrs. Nightingale explain to you soon. She's the owner of the manor and the host of this game. Oh, I should show you to your room now!" (Y/N) nodded, having recalled that the letter she received was singed "Mrs. Nightingale" at the bottom. Though, the letter didn't say anything about a 'game'. She figured it'll be explained soon enough, so she moved onto a different subject. 

"You said there were others here?" (Y/N) piped up as the two walked down a long hallway. The woman nodded as she turned to the girl beside her.

"Yes, you'll meet them after you get settled in. For the time being, you'll be staying in this room." She says as she gently pushes open a door. The large room was very lavish. A massive vanity sat in the corner of the room next to a set of large windows. The lush, king sized bed looked like it was made for royalty. The washroom connected to the room had a clawfoot bathtub that looked like it could be a small pool. The bathroom was filled to the brim with a multitude of different soaps, lotions, and perfumes. All in all, this place was fancy.

(Y/N) soaked in the surroundings with a stunned face. The woman next to her took notice and giggled a bit. The fact that she was being laughed at made (Y/N)'s face heat up. "Don't worry, I had the same exact reaction when I first got here." The lady calmed down her laughter and decided to take her leave. I'll let you get situated for now. Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything, I'm just three doors to the left, ok?" (Y/N) nodded and turned to thank her.

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