Yellow Roses (Aesop x Reader) Part 1

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First time writing angst.. Not angst in the typical sense though. I may rewrite this to be more sad. This is in two parts because this is already over 2k words and I don't want to make it too long for one chapter. 

Type: Angst 

Word Count: 2,200 


Every Friday (Y/N) would receive a yellow rose. It was like clockwork. At 9:00 pm exactly, there would be a knock on her door. She would open it to find the shy face of the embalmer staring back at her. He would hand her the rose but say nothing. The kind gesture always made her heart beat a little bit faster. 

Now, Friday 9:30 pm, (Y/N) sat atop her bed examining the yellow flower. Each thorn had carefully been removed, ensuring her delicate hands would not be pricked. The bright petals were perfect and undamaged, showing off the beauty of the rose. It was obvious that much care had been taken to create such a fine rose. The girl looked toward her door and sighed. Aesop's bashful expression took over her mind. The cute way his nose scrunched up when he smiled, the little tilt of his head when he handed her the rose, the fact that he went out of his way every week to give her a gift. It was the small things. They all added up to go from admiration to infatuation.

 She had a crush. A big one.

The next morning, (Y/N) walk out of her room with the yellow rose in her hair. Typically she would put them in a vase on the nightstand next to her bed, but today she felt like showing it off. It was a lovely flower so it'd be a shame to keep it for her eyes only. 

"Wow, you're lookin' mighty purdy today darlin'" Kevin mused. "That flower brings out your eyes." The cowboy tipped his hat as he walked past the girl. His playful compliments never failed to entertain (Y/N). 

"Why thank you, Kevin!" She sweetly replied, skipping away toward the dining room. When she arrived in the dining area, she was greeted by some of the other women of the manor. Most of them were bright eyed and ready for the day's matches, but a few were still very drowsy. 

"Vera, wake up!" Margaretha shook the perfumer's shoulders. Vera had fallen into a light sleep, nearly knocking over a couple glasses and bowls that rested on the table in front of her. 

"I'm up!" Vera shouted as she shot up with wide eyes. The woman was obviously still half asleep, but she was trying her best to keep her eyes open. "Why couldn't I sleep in? I need my beauty sleep, you know," She sighed, resting her head on her hand. "I don't even have any morning matches." 

"Yes, but you may have to take over if someone taps out before the match begins." Fiona calmly explained. The Priestess was always the voice of reason within the manor. She was the most logical person, next to Martha of course. 

"So who does have a match this morning?" Patricia questioned.

"Hmm, let me check the schedule." Fiona left the room for just a moment before returning again. "Aesop, Murro, Helena, and Emma." 

Aesop? He just had a match yesterday. A pretty brutal one at that. Why was he going back so soon. "Didn't Aesop get injured yesterday in the last match?" (Y/N) asked, confusion written all over her face. "He shouldn't be participating today."

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