Reunited (Michiko x Little Sister!Reader)

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Requested by Siniora-Chan

I'm sincerely sorry for such the long wait! Life has been beating me down but I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. I'm finally out of school so I'll be able to focus more on writing! I made this one long to try to make up for the wait! Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy the story <3

Type: Platonic/Fluff

Word Count: 4,126


"Michi, Michi! Come look at the butterfly I caught!" A small, excited voice happily cried out. The pitter patter of little feet came running toward the young girl in front of her. The yukata she dressed in was slightly too big for her, causing her to stumble over the hem of the gown. She had just barley made it to Michiko before tripping and falling. Thankfully, her older sister's reflexes were fast enough to catch her before she hit the ground. Being used to her own clumsiness, (Y/N) did not acknowledge the little slip up and instead went on to present her precious butterfly to the older girl. 

"Wow, (Y/N)! It's so beautiful," Michiko looked down to her little sister as she held a jar containing a blue Morpho butterfly. It calmly sat on a small stick within the jar, occasionally fluttering its wings. She admired it for a moment before speaking up. "But we should really let it go. It probably wants to be free. It's not very good to keep living things captive. They'll only be sad." The older child explained. (Y/N) looked at the butterfly with a pensive expression. The face she made showed that she was sad that she'd have to say 'bye' to the creature so soon. 

"Okay, let's go let it go by the river." A soft sigh followed the sentence.

(Y/N) and Michiko made their way to the riverbed where they admired the beauty of the insect a bit longer. After a few minutes, the young girl unscrewed the lid to the jar. The butterfly crawled out of the glass container and flew around the two sisters. (Y/N) giggled as the butterfly landed on the tip of her nose. It was almost as if it was giving her a little hug. "Goodbye, little buddy!" She waved as it fluttered away into the sky. 

Michiko stood beside (Y/N), a hand on her shoulder. As the butterfly disappeared from sight, she spoke up. "We should go back home now, shouldn't we?" The younger girl nodded and grabbed onto her sister's hand as they began their trek back home. 

As they walked, the world's color seemed to dim and eventually completely disappear. Everything was black and white before it got darker and darker. The scene was pitch black within minutes. There was an odd sense of tranquility. No sound. No movement. No thoughts. Nothing.

Like the calm before the storm.

(Y/N) awoke to light shining through the sheer fabric curtains onto her face. The dream she just had replayed in her mind. It was her favorite dream. One of her most precious memories with her now missing older sister Michiko. It was oh so tempting to just pull the blanket over her head and fall back asleep, but she knew she couldn't. Her first day in a new place with strangers, she's gotta make a good impression. She came to this dreadful manor so she could get money to hire an investigator to find her sister. With a huff of annoyance, the young woman dragged herself out of the comfort of the warm bed and began with her morning routine. 

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