Part 2.1: Jeremy

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Why was this kid so angry, you wondered? You were about to find out because Derek is calling him over to your group.

||Timeskip because Jeremy is a meanie ;w; ||

Wow, that was an experience. You had almost thrown yourself onto Jeremy when he insulted Cove's eyebrows. They're good eyebrows! Yeah... 
' ...What a mean kid. ' Derek had broken the silence. Thank god.

' You can say that again. I kinda hoped the new kid would be nice, you know? '
' But- You know what'll make this day at least a little better? '
' What? '
Derek pointed at the bouquet of fruit you had in your hands. You had forgotten it was in your hand in the first place. Cove was gazing at it too. 

' Why not? Let's eat! '
And so you did.

A couple of minutes later, the entire thing was finished.
' Oh- I don't think we were supposed to eat all of it! ' You said. What would your family think, letting your friends eat the family gift?

' Hey! Y/N! ' A high-pitched voice came from behind you. 
You turned.

It was Elizabeth.  

' Ma said you guys ran off with the gift Mr. Holden gave us. Where is it? '
' Well... ' You started.
' It's gone. '
' ...What? '
' We ate it. '
' Oh come ON, Y/N! You know that was supposed to be for the family. What were you thinking? '
' We were hungry. What else were we supposed to do, starve? '

' Uh-oh, I can hear that mean kid coming back, let's run! ' Derek exclaimed. before you could react, Derek began booking it down the beach. Cove soon joined him.


So you did too.

' Y/N... ' || A Cove Holden x Reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now