Part 3 - Returning

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Five years.



' God, this feels like I stepped out of my own memories... '
You look at your surroundings. You had just gotten off your plane trip from Ottawa to Nevada. You had wished you could have gotten a direct trip to California, but all of the flights were booked. It was the summer, after all. Of course the tourists would be vacationing at around this time.

I assume you need context as to why you would be gone for five years instead of two months...
Well, while you were living with your parents in Canada, you decided to start covering songs and post them on social media under the name ReinDr0ps. Turns out, a lot of people loved your voice! You now had a steady 50,000 followers and posted your videos weekly. 
While you were busy with your new hobby, you had forgotten to book a flight back home after those two months were up, and you kept putting it off...

And putting it off...

And putting it off...

Until you almost completely forgot about leaving. 
Forgot about Sunset Bird.
Forgot about the ocean.
Forgot about Jeremy and Derek.


Almost forgot about Cove.
You lost touch with him over the years. You never forgot about your crush from all those years ago.
You couldn't.

' Y/N! Over here, darling~! '
A woman called out for you amongst the crowd. you turned your head to see who it was...

' ...Kyra? ' You knew she would be waiting for you, but it still left you in a state of shock all the same.
She had discovered your covers online a couple months back and offered to pay for your ticket back home when you got in contact with her over text.

Of course you agreed.

' KYRA?! ' You yelled. Once you saw her bright green hair amongst the crowd, you ran towards her, almost pushing over one or two other people on your way over. You jumped in for a hug.

' Ah! Awe... Sweetie. '

' Thank you for bringing me back. '
' It was no problem, hon! After all, everyone will be ecstatic when I bring you back over! '
' Did you tell them? '
' Of course not! It would ruin the surprise...~ Now, come along now! It'll still be a nice big road trip to get there. '
' Right! '

||Time skip!||

Kyra had knocked on the door to your house. You stood there nervously but also excitedly. You were excited to see Liz, and Ma- and Mom! You glanced behind you for a solid minute.

...And Cove.

The door opened.

' ...Y/N? I-Is that really you? '
' Who is it, Liz- Y/N?! '
' 'Lani, no need to be so loud... Oh goodness me. '


' Hi. ' You said with a smile.

||Time skip again!||

They had all rushed you inside for a group hug the second you showed up and you told them all about your trip.

' Why didn't you let us know? We would have helped you get back home. '
' I know, I just- I lost track of time... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you all worry. '
' Honey, we would never be mad at you. What really matters is that you had fun and you met your parents. '

' Speaking of... There's something waiting up in your new room. '
' New room? '
' Once Lizzie left for college, we had reorganized her old room for whenever you would come home. You can change it if you want to- Nothing up there is permanent. '
' Okay... Thank you moms. For everything. '
' No problem, honey. Now go upstairs! '

---- Switching POVS ----

' ... ' My hand reached into the box underneath the bed. I knew it was in there...
' Aha! ' I say, pulling out the orange tinted shell from the box. ' Nice. It's still not broken. '
I went to go sit on the windowsill with the shell, sighing. ' If only you were here... '

' Where are you? '

' I'm right here, Cove. '
A voice called out from the direction of the door. I raise my head to face the sound.

' ...Y-Y/N? '

' Y/N... ' || A Cove Holden x Reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now