Chapter 1: That Lone Guardian

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The single quality that is common across every living creature on this planet... is fear.
It's funny then, that as common as fear is... we so easily underestimate its power.
Fear of growing close to someone, a subsequent fear of loss, fear of failure.
And as more people depend on you, those fears can take on greater power.
But fear itself isn't worthy of concern, it is who we become while in its clutches.
Will you be proud of that person?
Will you forgive them?
Will you understand why they felt the need to do the things they did?
Will you even recognize them?
Or will the person staring back at you be the very thing you should have feared from the start?
I suppose we all find out... sooner or later.

~ Ozpin

*???'S POV*

???: "This place looks completely untouched... not a Grimm in sight..."

As I make my way through the deserted town I can't help but notice how pristine everything is, this place was abandoned years ago but looks like it should be bustling with its denizens...

???: "The old guy said he had a friend that still lived out here, but that's all I have to go off of... where do I even start in a place so preserved... hmmm..."

Mysterious Voice: "Excuse me? Mister over there with the weird walk! Over here!"

Someone still lives here?! But this place is defenceless! How has such an old lady managed to stay out here alone like this?

???: "Hey Granny, what are you doing all the way out here? This is no mans land isn't it?"

Granny: "Hah! I've still got a fair few years left before I'll let you young 'uns call me Granny! As for living here, why would I leave? I'm perfectly safe with the Guardian over-watching this town."

???: "Guardian? This thing human? I've been sent here to look for someone who's meant to be pretty damn good at killing Grimm."

Granny: "That sounds about right, course I've never seen their face, but they certainly looked like they'd be a human!"

???: "Looked like? Come on Granny, I don't want to end up on some wild goose chase for a local myth."

Granny: "Again with the 'Granny' at least ask for my name!"

???: "sigh Okay... what's your name Granny?"

Granny: "You can call me Bassetts, and as for your insult to the Guardian. He is real, I've seen him!"

???: "Sure sure... So Ms. Bassetts, where can I find this Guardian of yours?"

Bassetts: "Follow me! Oh, and young man? You've neglected to tell me your name up until now. For my only visitor, you're not exactly cordial!" 

???: "... Qrow. That's my name."

Bassetts: "What an... odd name, is that spelled like the bird yes?" 

Qrow: "With a Q. Can we hurry this up already, I'm on a tight schedule here. (and I'm running outta alcohol...)"

Bassetts: "Well, I guess I've been away from the world for a while, it must be quite different to the world I remember! Come along then you impatient bird-man!" 


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