Chapter 8: Christmas

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Ruby: "But I mean... don't you get lonely in that room by yourself all the time? You don't even eat in the hall with everybody else, do you?"

Y/N: "I am... used to alone feeling. Do not be minding me."

Ruby: "I know that you say you're used to it... But still! Its Christmas time! It's a special time of togetherness and stuff!"

Y/N: "Chris-mas? I do not know this time... is it on a clock I have not seen?"

Blake: "That depends: You ever see an annual calendar before?"

Blake then handed you a small paper booklet, but this one was weird, it seemed to have its contents on the outside leaf of each page rather than the inside. And it was horizontal too, unlike all the other books you have read so far.
Blake then, whilst it was in your hands, turned the pages until it was on the last one: December.

Blake: "Does this... make sense?"

Y/N: "hmmm... so time is the cycle of moon and sun... but date is the cycle of snow and flowers?"

Ruby: "whaaaaa? I don't think they got it..."

Weiss: "No, no. They do, it's you that's the dunce. As usual!"

Ruby: "HEY!"

Blake: "Y/N is talking about seasons, in winter there is snow, but in spring there are flowers. They just judged the date dependant on seasons because..."

Ruby: "Because what...?"

Blake: "Because the life Y/N lived didn't seem to need the days of the week, or the months of the year."

Ruby: "o-oh..."

Weiss: "That's actually... kind of depressing... just what exactly did you do before Qrow found you?"

Y/N: "Fight Grimm. Protect Village. Nothing else matters... that's what Papa used to tell me."

Weiss: "There was a village then? Surely someone would have been able to teach you some of these basic things, right?

Y/N: "Never went inside village. Do not know."

Blake: "You never went into the village...?"


SENDER: Neo Politan


Hey you!
How's my favourite hunter-to-be?

Just messaging to let you know:
I'm back in Vale! For Xmas too!
You'll come and visit, right...?

You better!
I'll be real lonely otherwise...

???: "That from the midget with the coloured hair?"

Ruby: "Oh? Hey Yang! Where'd you come from?"

Yang: "You know... we still haven't had that bout of ours yet Y/N!"

Ruby: "It's Christmas time Yang! Nobody should be nursing bruises over the best time of the year!"

Yang: "Re-lax! I wasn't gonna force 'em or anything! Just... making conversation is all!"

Weiss: "Uh-huh..."

Yang: "Hey now! Why the distrust? When was the last time I left any of you out to yang... eh! eh!"

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