Thundercracker & Skywarp

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I cherished the sight of Thundercracker skipping along the shoreline, and he scuttled about as the ebony oil waves crashed against the crumbled granite sand. He has never liked the sensation of the ocean slipping around his heels, and here I was, standing about knee deep in the black abyss. I could see my distorted reflection starting at my legs, and holographic ripples echoed out from where I was positioned, reflecting the suns' light overhead.

"Skywarp, can you come back now?" he hollered from the beach; he was becoming antsy. Thundercracker has never much enjoyed being more than about twenty feet away from me.

Thunder has always wanted to kiss me, and I know it.

We have been incredibly close since we first met in the Seeker squadron, and he was more touchy with me than our other comrades. He liked to shake people's shoulders in congratulation or aggressively grasp someone's hand when meeting them, but he was different with me. Thundercracker would slip his fingers over mine when were were standing beside each other during missions, but he never grabbed my hand to hold it. When we would be settled across the table during energon meals, he would lightly tap my toes almost in a rhythm.

Tap, tap-tap. Tap, tap-tap. Like the beat of a spark.

I never returned any of his affection. I am not much of the outward love kind, but I have also desired a kiss from him. We consider each other our best friends, but many Cybertronians know that we have a much deeper fondness for each other. Thundercracker's avoidance of separation is one of the biggest give aways.

"Fine," I replied, and I waded through the ooze back to the shore.

The thick oil sucked and pulled at my feet until I crawled up onto the land, and the hot earth beneath my feet felt wonderful. It was a beautiful summer day, and not a single strand of clouds could be seen riding through the bright blue sky of Cybertron. A chilled breeze would cascade over us every-now-and-then, gifting us some relief if the heat had become too intense on our metallic shoulders. Thunder tumbled up to me, his arms extended to touch me, but he squawked in horror as the oil tide slithered around my ankles. I giggled softly as he rocketed away to the dry segment of the beach.

"What's with you and the ocean?" I called as I clambered over a steep hill of sand and rolled onto the part of the beach that Thunder had found his haven. I squinted my sensitive optics as the sunshine bore down onto my rectangular face.

"There's weird animals in it," Thundercracker said as he trotted over, and he gazed thoughtfully down at my head. "I don't want them to crawl on me."

"There ain't nothing dangerous in two inches of oil."

"You never know."

Thunder laid down beside me, and he scooted his flexible back around as he sought the perfect relaxing position. He finished his search with a dramatic sigh, and he set his clunky hands onto his angled chest.

"I'm glad the war is over and Cybertron is back," he muttered to me.

I turned my head and gazed upon his flawless face shimmering in the summer sun. "I am as well."

"Ugh, but now I don't want to go back to work tomorrow!" Thundercracker released a jolly laugh, and he grinned at me, his optics sparkling with happiness. "Work was the only thing I didn't miss."

"Well, we still had roles to fulfill."

"That's true."

Thundercracker gingerly bit his lip, and his eyes flicked up and down as he analyzed my face. I knew what was coming, so I relaxed and closed my optics. My mouth fell open slightly, and a pair of wonderful lips slid over it. He sucked gently, pulling my bottom lip forward. I pushed my body closer to him and wrapped my graceful arms around his glorious form, and we turned our heads this way and that as we tenderly made out upon the beach.

His hand slipped down my back and settled right above my waist, and my nerves tingled in bliss as he sensually inserted his tongue between my teeth. I sucked in a tight breath; this was the first time someone had smooched me with their glossa. It felt strange and slippery, and I pulled back. Our wet mouths emitted a soft squelch as they separated, and Thunder looked confused.

"No tongue?" he inquired as he pulled me back in for a second bout of kissing.

I grunted a "mm-hmm" of agreement as we wove our plush lips back together, and I started to shiver with enjoyment. He was my best friend, and I would sacrifice anything for his well being. I wanted to spend the rest of eternity with him. After our bodies perished, we would join back together in the All Spark to celebrate our compassion and love. We would last forever.

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