Ariel & Orion Pax

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Ariel slipped through the doorway into the main room of the Hall of Records, and she gazed fondly up at the vertical tunnel opening in the ceiling. It housed the countless archives and computers of data, and Cybertronians rode upon hovering platforms to access the information. She was holding onto two glasses of energon, one in each hand. Ariel strode over to a deactivated platform, and after she flicked a few switches on its control pad, she nodded to Alpha Trion, who was sitting at his desk, before riding up. The incredibly high, circular ceiling came into view, and it split open to let her platform through.

The study was dark save for a dim lamp, and Ariel trotted up to her lover, Orion Pax. He was hunched over a datapad, reading something complex, and his stiff hands were pressed upon his domed forehead. Orion dragged himself away from the information as Ariel gave him a small hug and slipped his drink onto the desk.

"What are you reading?" Ariel inquired as she dragged a chair out of the darkness, using the glow from her energon to find it.

"New archiving guidelines. It's difficult and very specific." Orion unhooked his mouth plate, revealing a handsome mouth.

Ariel settled down in the chair, and she gently sipped on her drink. It was lukewarm, but the energy it granted was overwhelming and wonderful. A fresh round of energon always made her feel more courageous, and it was just what she needed to complete her goal. Orion despised someone else removing his "lucky mouth plate", including Ariel. She had attempted to kiss him before, but sliding the plate off threw them into a spat, ruining the romantic moment. He only took it off to consume energon or the occasional meal.

Ariel set down her glass, and with the new, vigorous sensations running through her, she seized his chin and twisted his head towards her. Orion's optics widened with surprise, and Ariel lightly bit her lip, trying to hint at a kiss.



"I...I don't think I'm ready yet."

Orion gingerly pulled away, and Ariel quietly and understandingly nodded. She awkwardly got back to work drinking her energon, and Orion took her hand into his own, trying to comfort her. They sat in the quiet for a handful of minutes, and Orion changed his mind about his readiness.

"Actually, I think I want to kiss." Orion rotated his chair completely towards his love, and he set his broad hands in his lap. "This...this is going to be my first one, though. So I'm not any good."

Ariel smiled kindly up at him before standing, closing the height gap they had. "This will be my first kiss as well, but it's with you, so it will be good."

She lightly placed her arms around the back of his beautiful neck, and they slowly inched towards each other, timid and afraid. As their tight lips tapped, Ariel closed her optics, but Orion forgot to. He stared at the dark corner of the room, and Ariel rubbed his tense shoulders as she angled her head to the other side, starting another kiss. She attempted to slip her bottom lip between his lips and create a more enjoyable kiss, but Orion's mouth was shut harshly.

Orion was right. He wasn't any good. But she loved him, and they would practice together.

Ariel pulled her head back before placing a light peck on his forehead. "I love you, Orion."

"I love you, too."

Transformers "First Kiss" One Shots [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now