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The cookies reappeared that evening, along with Pumpkin juice, Butterbeer, and other goodies provided by the House-elves, for it was the first movie night and refreshments were to be served. She had posted a notice in her classroom that at eight o'clock, she would be screening one of the best-loved American movies of the nineteen thirties, inspired by a fantasy novel that would give a bit of insight into at least one author's vision of a land dominated by witches and wizards.

Just before eight, a surprising number of Muggle Studies students filed in, laughing, talking, and greeting one another. They quickly parked themselves on the sofas, the floor, and on top of the tables, wherever they could see the television. "Welcome!" Elizabeth called out over the din. The room quieted. "Since we've been looking back at Muggles in the nineteen thirties, this evening I am happy to present 'The Wizard of Oz'. It's a classic, and has a classic view of witches in particular. I hope you enjoy it."

They took an intermission about halfway through, and Professor McGonagall stuck her head in to see how it was going. It was going well indeed, Cord told her. Later, Flitwick peeked in. She gasped, but at least didn't faint, when a ghost dressed in sixteenth century garb and a large ruff around his neck drifted through the wall and stayed for a few minutes. He bowed to her and drifted back out again. She guessed it was Nearly Headless Nick, since he acknowledged her.

At the end of the movie, the students applauded and chattered about how the witches and wizards were portrayed, shaking their heads and finishing up the refreshments. James Dougal walked over. "Thanks, Professor. Are we going to do this regularly?" He asked. She told him that she hoped so, as long as there was interest, and that she had an idea about what to screen next time. "Say," he added, "We've got a Quidditch friendly tomorrow morning, have you seen one yet?"


"Well, come down to the pitch before the game if you're interested. I'll explain the game for you and you can see the best team at Hogwarts play!"


The next morning dawned sunny and warm. She donned jeans and a blouse and started across the lawn to the pitch. A booming voice behind her shouted, "Al'righ' Professor?" Hagrid was striding across the lawn toward her, followed by a large boarhound puppy that was chasing butterflies. "Goin ter th' Friendly, are yeh?"

"Hello, Hagrid! How are you?" The dog bounded around his legs, then made for Elizabeth, sniffing, licking her fingers, and finally jumping up to place a slobbery dog kiss on her ear.

"Fang! Get down!" Shouted Hagrid. The dog ignored him.

"It's okay," she laughed, "I love dogs. Actually, I love any animal with a leg on each corner!"

"Yeh wouldna' like some of th' ones in the Forbidden Fores'" he shook his massive head. "Yeh do know tha' yeh have to stay outa th' fores', do yeh?" She nodded. "It's al'righ' to go in wi' me, course, I'm gamekeeper."

"I shall steer clear of it unless I'm with you, Hagrid. Are you going to the Quidditch game?"

They walked on to the stadium and were met, as promised, by James, who explained the game to Elizabeth. She watched in terror as the young people tore around in the sky on broomsticks at breakneck speed while dodging and weaving in an attempt to score without being knocked off and falling to what she was certain would be their doom.

That afternoon, most of the teachers, including the Headmaster, met her in the Great Hall. Dumbledore said that he'd already heard that the last evening's gathering went well. He said he kept hearing students tell others to follow the yellow brick road, whatever that meant. She offered to show The Wizard of Oz for the teachers and added that they might like the James Bond spy movies. It was agreed that she'd run Oz for them that evening so they would know about Munchkins and a dog called Toto.

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