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"Excuse me, Professor?" Penelope Rivers caught McGonagall in the hallway. "If you have a moment, may I have a word?"

"Certainly, Miss Rivers. Step into my office." The two went through the doorway. "What can I do for you?"

"Professor, I think it's been proven that I have the sight." Said Penelope.

"I daresay you are the only one around here...Professor Trelawney doesn't seem to." McGonagall gave a sarcastic smile. "Have you seen something?"

"Yes, Professor, in the crystal. I believe that I should tell someone, but I don't want to alarm...the people involved. I could be wrong." Penelope and the Professor exchanged meaningful looks. "Professor, something is going to happen, something bad. I have seen Professor Snape on the ground, injured or dead. And I have seen Professor Cord crying."

"Both things in the same place? At the same time?"

"I don't think so, but I couldn't tell which comes first."

"Thank you, Miss Rivers. I shall inform the Headmaster." Penelope left, and McGonagall leaned against her desk. Of course, she would tell Dumbledore. He agreed that Rivers had the sight. But should she tell Severus? Should we say anything at all to Elizabeth? What could this mean?

But it all happened faster than she could have imagined. It all happened before she could warn anyone.

The Spaghetti Lesson. Snape, Changed.Where stories live. Discover now