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Snape swept into the Hog's Breath, wand drawn, and advanced on the group gathered there. The bartender frowned but continued wiping a glass with a dirty rag. He turned his good ear toward the room.

"Snape!" Lucius Malfoy turned around quickly and seeing the look on Snape's face, reached for his own wand. "It's about time!"

"I received your owl. I have come, as requested. But before we go any further with this discussion, I should like very much to know who among you cast an unforgivable curse at me...when I find out, I will not be forgiving, I assure you." He glared at Pratchett, who looked away.

"It must have been a mistake," said Malfoy, "no one here would injure another follower purposefully, I'm sure."

Carrow piped up. "Where's the Muggle?"

Snape, still holding the drawn wand, muttered "I do not know."

"You don't know? But..."

"The Dementor was a nice touch...with that, I was certain of this group's involvement. She reacted oddly, though. Most Muggles would simply sucomb, but for some reason, she turned and ran. The last I saw, she was running toward the Forbidden forest. Either the Dementor caught up with her or she has been done in by a forest denizen. She has, at least, gone missing."

Malfoy asked, "You don't think she was saved by the great oaf, Hagrid, do you?"

"I doubt it."

Pratchett stepped forward. "I don't know what teh believe from yeh. My nephew, the one you expelled, told me tha' you was having some kinta affair with her!"

Snape's lip curled. "I did not expel him, he expelled himself. It's simple Wizarding Law...your son foolishly attacked someone, and that is against the law, no matter who the victim. And, please, as far as she was concerned, I did spend time watching her. I did not want her to have too much undue influence over young minds. I must admit, I found myself, shall we say, taking some small advantage of the situation..."

Pratchett pulled a face and turned his back. "I hope ye took a shower right'way!"

Malfoy laughed loudly and said with a sneer, "Well, we all have our needs, even Snape, here. I hear that the Ministry actually approved this stupidity. Merlin's bloody balls, they are a bunch of imbeciles! Breaking Secrecy laws, indoctrinating our children! Not to mention that sucker for Muggles who is running the school. So, Snape, what was she up to, in fact?"

Snape scowled. "She played it close. I never could get much out of her, even in bed. I tried the influence of certain potions, as well."

"D'ya use that Veritaserum? Don't sound like it." Said Pratchett, sneering.

"That would have been too obvious," Snape replied, "I am not stupid enough to try that right under Dumbledore's nose. One can hide nothing from that man. Had I used the serum, I quite possibly would have lost my position and you would have no one inside. It may be possible, however, that she was what she presented: a teacher and nothing more."

Malfoy shook his head. "I, for one, would not take a bet on that. She's a spy or a thief, just like Pratchett says." Pratchett nodded proudly. Malfoy went on, "If she escaped, Snape, where d'you think she would go?"

"She came here from London. I would expect that she would go back there." Then he could tell her to go someplace else, if need be.

"That's a big place but also a small world. We have a big net there. If she's in London, we will find her and when we do, the last thing that filthy Muggle will see is a green flash!" Malfoy smiled, pleased with himself. The others spoke up in agreement. "If she shows back up, Snape, kill her then and there if you can. Otherwise, send me an owl and I will see that it is taken care of."

Snape nodded, turned on his heel, and left the building. Shit, I have got to get her out of here, to safety, quickly. He immediately Apparated back to Hogwarts front gate and rushed inside.

The Spaghetti Lesson. Snape, Changed.Where stories live. Discover now