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*Recap of last chapter*
Riele and Jace had a fight after they kissed and moments later when Jade went to talk to Cree about her brother...
The brother who you now know is Mace came in looking like he killed someone and that's how it leads us to what I'm about to write next.
Jade's POV
I'm speechless at the moment!

Like literally, I keep opening and closing my mouth like a fish.

"So does this mean you raped Leila?" I finally spoke.

He looked unsure before he answered, "Yes"

I looked at him in disgust and used my shoe to hit, at the moment I didn't care if he looked like he was gonna die.

"Why?" I looked at him confused... But still angry.

He shrugged and said "I don't know"

The nerve of this monkey!!

"How are you two even related?" I looked at both of them.

"Well, when two people are in lo-" Mace started but I glared at him, making him shut up.

"I don't know, we just are...now what happened to you?" Cree looked back at her brother.

I'm surprised she still loves him, I wouldn't even go close to him after what he did.

"I got into a fight with some guys saying they wanted to hit on you and Lizzy" He spat out venomously.

Hmm. At least he cares for his sister, but why Lizzy?


Does he?

No way!



"And before you point out the obvious, yes I like Lizzy" He rolled his eyes at me.

"But seriously why would you get yourself in trouble?" Cree looked at him with care in her eyes.

Who am I to judge her? I can't blame that she's the sister to him but I will love her anyway, it's her brother anyway and at least he still cares for her.

"I was just protecting you with my awesomeness." He winked at her.

"Shut it" she rolled her eyes playfully.

What a bond.

"Oh well I am just gonna leave you guys to it then" I said and walked out.

They didn't even pay attention to me...Oh well, none of my business.

I just went to Starbucks since I was in need of a drink, when I got there...I saw Breanna there.

I decided to face my fears and just talk to her, she must have been lonely all this time...especially since Lance broke up with her.

"Hey" Breanna said as I sat down next to her.


"I'm really sorry for being a bad friend, I wish I could do something about it but  I can't, if I could change time I would but it's not possible I'm still sorry" She apologized.

"I forgive you" I smiled at her.

"It's OK if you don't- WAIT...you forgive me?" She stopped mid way and asked and I nodded.

"After all I did?"

"I mean I can't live in the past and if Cree can forgive her brother for raping someone, I guess I can forgive you too... It's not like you killed someone" I shrugged.

"About that..." She fidgeted but as she was about to continue, I saw the girls walk in and that's when I noticed the guys where on stage.


They started singing Hello by Adele...Wow, they actually sang better than when they were with those bishes.

Ya! I said the word!

While they were singing they were looking at us the whole time, Ricardo at  me, Thomas at Cree, Lance at Breanna, Mace at Lizzy and Jace at Riele.

When they were done they came towards us and stood in front of the girls I suppose they like.

Suddenly a poster came down with the sentence "Will you be our girlfriends?" It was really colourful and beautiful.

Rico held my hand and said. "Well, will you?"

"Why not?" I chuckled and he kissed me.

Then suddenly there were claps, I looked around and saw that there was a crowd around us, people smiling, the girls hugging the guys but there was one familiar fake face I saw that stormed out angrily with her fake minions too.


I know y'all are probably angry but here me out....*silence* there's actually no excuse.
Anyways I just wanna thank y'all for 2k reads...I have no idea how to repay you all.
And updating regularly is not an option just so know ♥♥
Anyways I'll try my best but here's your chapter and the ships y'all wanted to happen and I know it's soon but there's a lot more gonna happen, just wait and see.
Also shout out to Chenrylover88 and England4ever
Peace out♥♥

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