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Jade's POV
After we left school campus to go to the fair, I spotted Jade and her little female dogs.

I tried my best to ignore them but I could always feel one of them burning holes into me....precisely Jada.

We finally got to the fair and Ricardo won me a stuffed monkey and the others also got gifts from theirs boyfriends.

We all decided to meet up at the Ferris Wheel after we had played all the games we wanted to in the fair.

I got a lot of prizes from Rico that at one point I had to give some out to random children because I couldn't hold them again.

Obviously I did that behind his back and then I pretended I couldn't find them again.

We finally met everyone at the Ferris Wheel but us girls wanted to go to the washroom to fix our makeup and other girl stuff.

When we got there we saw Jada and her little bitches, pardon moi for my English.

"Well, well, well! Look what we have hear, the attention seeking sluts!" Jada said as she walked closer to us trying to look intimidating.

Let me just tell you that it isn't working bit.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Cree asked, looking her up and down.

"Bitch!" She replied.

"Takes one to know one" I spat our venomously and she winced and my girls snickered, patting me on my back.

"You're going to regret this!" She yelled cowering up her fear.

"How?" Lizzy asked, glaring at her.

"Well not you, I'm talking about little miss Innocent" She replied looking directly at me.

"What are you gonna do? Steal Ricardo, Its pretty clear that he loves Jade no you so give it up" Riele spoke up.

"I'm guessing Ricardo hasn't told you right?"

"About what?" I asked.

"That he was the one that raped Leila" She smiled innocently.


"Just give up already, Ricardo doesn't like you so just get out and stop spreading lies!" Cree exclaimed.

"OK but don't say I didn't warn you" She said and walked out with her squad following her.

"Do you actually believe her?" Lizzy asked.

"I'm not sure but I'll confirm from Ricardo" I said still lost in thoughts.

"Don't worry I'm sure its not true" Riele comforted and we all did a group hug then fixed our makeup, it being the reason we came here in the first place.

When we were done and went to the boys, the most shocking sight caught our attention.... The boys were kissing Jada and her minions.

I looked at Ricardo and I was hurt to see him sucking faces with Jada, Cree coughed and they immediately broke apart.

"Jade wait let me explain!" Ricardo said.

"No! I just want to know one thing, was Jada the reason you always flinch around me or was it the fact that you raped Leila?" I screamed quietly trying not to make a scene.

He kept quiet, "That's what I thought" I said and walked away but not without giving him a hard slap on the cheek and I saw the girl's do so too, even Riele that never gets angry.

We ran out of the fair with our names being called out.

It's already night time and its pretty cold, we couldn't find any cab to drop us at the campus so we just decided to walk to get the emotions out.

Suddenly, I felt this feeling that someone was following us.

"Do you guys feel that someone is following us?" Lizzy asked and we all nodded in agreement.

Before I knew it, I was hit in the head and was about to black out but there was only one thought in my mind.

What's happening?

I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry about the delay and this chapter, my mum took my phone, so I used my laptop in the mean time but when I got my phone back I realized that both chapter 16 and 17 had been deleted and I am so sorry....I had an epic plot twist at the end of chapter 17 but I will try my best to rewrite it...thank you all so much for your love and support and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, next chapter is coming up soon as I am trying to make it up to all of you :)
Byeeee ★♥

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