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"I don't wanna be here! All you boys do is bully me and listen to Hui all the time!"
- Lina


"You're pretending to be innocent so that my boys like you? They're much smarter than you think"
- Hui


"I can actually help you out if you stop being so tough on me"
- Ma Jiaqi


"You're different from everyone here, but that doesn't make you special"
- Ding Chengxin


"I don't wanna fit in...but I have no choice"
-Song Yaxuan


"I really want to have Hui, but the reason i want her isn't what you're thinking"
- Zhang Zhenyuan


"I feel like I'm living my life for someone else"
- Yan Haoxiang


"Friendship? There's no friendship here. Only competiton and selfishness"
- He Junlin


"Leave if you know what's good for you, Lina"
- Liu Yaowen


"Ma Jiaqi!? He's so cute!"

A/N: so I guess I've never wrote anything particularly fluffy ane clichè, so I thought of giving it a go! Initially I was going to call it "Daddy's Princess" but there's a lot of kink associated with that which may get the theme misinterpreted XD

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