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On Monday, Hui was obviously back. Once again, there was that silence and obedience that came with her presence. I saw Zhenyuan carry her books to her desk, while Haoxiang was showing her the notes of what we had learned on Friday. Someone was always there for her, it was a pretty interesting life she had.

After Haoxiang was done, Hui walked over to my desk and slammed something on it. At first I wasn't able to recognize it, but once I grabbed it from the desk, I noticed it was my light blue notebook. It looked like it had been drenched in water and had dried over time. I then attempted to open it, but the pages were stuck together and some torn.

'What did you do!?' I cried.

'I don't need them anymore, took my quiz on Saturday.' She folded her arms triumphantly.

'So you took my notes!?' I stood up. 'You stole my notes and ruined them! What's your problem!? I'm going to fail my quiz all because of you!'

Hui pouted teasingly. 'I'm sorry little baby. Don't cry.'

I indeed did have tears lining my eyes, but they were tears of anger. I raised my hand to give her a slap, but I decided it wasn't worth it.

'Whoa, chill.' Jiaqi was the first to say since he sat near me. He dropped my arm from the air. I could see the rest of her "bodyguards" ready to ease in on us just in case I hit her.

'Go ahead and do it!' She dared me.

I decided that wouldn't really help, but I had an idea on what would. I grabbed my notebook from the desk and started to walk out of the class, leaving everyone looking at me curiously. I knew Hui was the principal's daughter, but maybe if the principal heard about what his daughter was doing, he would be concerned of disciplining her like any father would.

I marched to the principal's office and gave it a light knock, before getting a "come in" from his secretary. She was an old lady in her glasses. I walked in with my notebook, trying to control my tears from coming out in front of her.

'Yes?' the lady looked up to me from her paperwork.

'May I see the principal?' my voice was trembling. 'It's important.'

She looked at me sympathetically then got up from the chair. 'Alright then, let me just inform him.' She walked over to the next door that was at the end of the room and opened it, popping her head in. 'Sir, there's a student looking for you.'

'Who now? I already told those boys to be men enough and not report things to me anyhow.' he hissed from inside. 'Anyway, let them in.'

The secretary moved away and returned to her desk, right after telling me to go meet Mr. Ma.

I slowly opened the door to his office, and looked at the angry-looking man with fear in my eyes. I kind of regretted doing this, but this was the only thing that might help me. I knew fighting with Hui could probably just put me in more trouble.

He looked at me, 'you again. What?'

'Um...Hui stole my notes then ruined them.' I held out the notebook to them. 'She stole them and used them for her quiz on Saturday while I had to write my quiz without studying.'

His look seemed to grow angrier by the minute. 'How are you sure it's Hui?'

'She admitted it and she's the one who brought it to my desk.'

'What did you expect? That she should fail?' to prove that he wasn't interested in my issue, he started doing some paperwork. I couldn't believe what he had just said.

'So is it fair that I should fail instead of her?' I didn't know if that sounded rude or not, but I was surprised.

'Look, these things happen. Everyone wants to do well on their quizzes, get over it.'


'Wow,' he looked up at me from his papers. 'What do you want me to do? Punish her? You really want to be better than Hui don't you?'

I couldn't understand how the principal could say that. He sounded just like Hui. Had she perhaps told her father that I was competing with her? Is that why he sounded like that? Either way, I didn't want him to think that.

'Anyway, there's nothing I can do. Suck it up and grow up. Leave now.'

'But sir...' I continued, the tears now threatening to fall out of my eyes despite how much I tried to hold them in.

'Lina!' Mr. Ma slammed his fist on the table. His dislike for me seemed more personal than I thought. 'I'm a very busy man and I don't want to deal with such trivial matters! These things happen! Now get out, don't disturb me.'

Seeing that he was completely uninterested, I got up from the chair and walked off. I wanted to say goodbye to the secretary, but I didn't want to look back at her with the embarrassing tears in my eyes. This place was so unfair and I wanted to get away from it.

I quickly walked out of the office and saw Chengxin standing by the lockers. Wrong timing.

I was going to avoid him as well, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. He didn't waste time pulling my head on his chest in the hug. The contact made me break down, and I started to cry on his jacket. I didn't want to be loud, but I was slowly getting louder with each moment.

He stroked my hair fondly, and I didn't care about how close I was to the guy I previously hated at this moment, or how he was stroking my hair so fondly in comfort.

'What did you expect Lina?' he asked me after a while. 'Her father owns the school...there's no way you can beat her in her own realm.'

I pulled away from Chengxin and looked him in the eyes. 'I'm not trying to beat her at anything! I just want things to be fair around here! You don't get it.'

'Things aren't fair around here, things are hardly fair on this earth. And I say this as someone who's been through it too.'

I bit my lip and nodded in understanding. But I was still hurt. If things would go on like this, would I enjoy my high school?

I was making friends, but what's the advantage to that when the authority and almost all the students are controlled by someone who wants to destroy you?

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