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The next day, everyone was still sidelining Junlin and as usual, he didn’t seem to mind. Yaxuan looked like he was still in pain, he couldn’t lean back in his chair. But at least he had come into class.

The mood was brighter on this particular morning, and classes went quite fast, except the mathematics everyone was not enjoying, except Haoxiang who seemed to pretty much enjoy it.

‘Did you get the photo?’ Jiaqi asked me when the lunch break had just begun.

‘Actually,’ I answered nervously. ‘My mom threw it out, apparently she thought it belonged to former tenants so she got rid of it. I don’t know.’
Jiaqi’s expression changed. ‘Really? What am I gonna do now?’

‘I’m so sorry.’ I felt really guilty.

‘No, it’s okay. She hasn’t noticed till now so hopefully she won’t notice any time soon.’ he bit his lip nervously. ‘Also, I just don’t want it falling into the wrong hands. There’s something written behind it that I don’t think everyone should know. Did you check what’s written behind it?’

‘No.’ I shook my head, but now I realized I should have checked it out. Maybe there was another clue. If Jiaqi was so concerned, then it must have been something important. ‘What was it?’

Jiaqi simply shook his head. ‘Anyway, I guess if it’s at the garbage dump, there’s a high chance no one will find it.’

He had ignored my question, which I had expected. I was curious for answers, but I wasn’t gonna go to the garbage dump and check through loads of filth to get my hands on that photo. No way.

What amazed me was that the photo just disappeared at the right time. My mom hardly dumped stuff, but now she had done it. It was as if she knew what was hidden behind it and had to get rid of it before I saw it? But she was my mom, why would she not want me to see what was there?

Jiaqi walked out of the classroom for lunch while I packed up my books. I was left in the classroom with Hui and Zhenyuan who were talking in the back.

‘So can I ask today?’ Zhenyuan asked Hui. This guy kept trying his luck.

‘No.’ she answered flatly.

‘Why not? I’ve been trying since the first year we were at this school, and you still don’t accept me…’

‘Don’t you remember what has just happened with Yaxuan? I’m dealing with that issue right now and then you bring up this issue of dating!? For the 100th time!?’ Hui got up from her seat. ‘I’m tired of you and your stupid question all the time!’

‘Then just say yes…’

‘No! And stop irritating me like every day! And don’t sit with me today, find someone else to sit with!’ Hui walked out of the classroom quickly.

Zhenyuan remained standing at Hui’s desk, and for some reason I felt awkward seeing as he had just been rejected. I was just going to pretend I didn’t see anything.

He walked slowly from his desk, probably about to leave. ‘I guess you found that pretty funny.’

I looked in his direction. ‘No, it’s not my business.’

He sighed. ‘What do girls like? Or am I just not handsome enough for her? What exactly is the problem?’ he put his hands in his pocket as he approached my desk.

‘Are you serious? Of course you’re handsome.’ I face palmed at the statement, hoping he wouldn’t misinterpret it. ‘I mean, you’re not bad,’ I rephrased it.

He gave me a small smile. ‘Wanna go for lunch?’

‘I guess,’ I was done with my books anyway. I got up from the desk and walked to the cafeteria with Zhenyuan, someone I had never particularly held a conversation with.

Once we got into the cafeteria, we got our meals. I was hoping I would sit alone, but Zhenyuan still followed me to the table I was walking to. I guess he sat with me because he had nobody else to sit with on this particular day. Junlin was sitting next to Hui on this particular day, I guess that was a reward he got for reporting Yaxuan who was sitting at the edge. At least he wasn’t banished from the table like Zhenyuan was.

Zhenyuan sat opposite me and grabbed his chopsticks. ‘So you really think I’m handsome?’

‘Can you stop asking me something so obvious? I’m sure a lot of girls tell you that all the time.’ I was getting embarrassed. ‘Anyway, someone as handsome and rich as you can get any girl you want, probably, so I guess I don’t see the point you keep clinging to Hui.’

‘Oh right,’ 

‘But I understand, she’s cute I guess. Don’t give up!’ I tried to motivate him, not wanting to seem like the jealous girl who want to drive a wedge between Hui and Zhenyuan.

Zhenyuan chuckled. ‘I really want to have Hui, but the reason I want her isn’t what you’re thinking.’

I was kind of used to this. I’m sure he had an explanation like Chengxin; that he had no choice and this was a means of survival.

‘So if Hui dates you she’s gonna recommend you to her dad right?’ I repeated the words Junlin had said one time after lunch.

‘Oh of course.’ Zhenyuan nodded. ‘But if I had a choice, I wouldn’t really be pursuing her. She’s cute but she’s not exactly my type. But anyway, life is all about survival.’

I nodded, then looked over at the table where everyone else was sitting. Hui was staring at us, and that didn’t seem like a good stare. I was getting so used to this every time I was near her “property”.

But I ignored her, and continued to talk to Zhenyuan. The next moment, I realized Hui walking over to the table, and putting her hands on Zhenyuan’s shoulders.

‘I can see you’re enjoying my little pet here,’ she said to me.

‘Um,’ I shrugged my shoulders. ‘He’s cool.’ I didn’t know exactly what to say.

‘Too bad he’s all mine.’ She continued then looked down at Zhenyuan. ‘Hey, I say yes.’

‘Yes to…?’ he knew what she was talking about, but he probably couldn’t believe it.

‘Yes to what you asked me earlier.’

‘Hui…’  I could see the excitement written on his features.

‘On one condition though! I don’t want to see you talking to Lina again.’

‘Huh?’ he asked her with a confused face.
Now I understood what was going on at this moment. It wasn’t that Hui was suddenly in love with Zhenyuan, she was just trying to make sure that I wouldn’t take Zhenyuan away from her. I certainly wasn’t planning on doing that but good for Zhenyuan anyway. At least they both were using each other at this point, so it was no problem.

‘You heard me.’ she answered Zhenyuan.

‘Fine, no problem.’ Zhenyuan said excitedly then turned to me. ‘I’m sorry Lina.’

‘It’s cool, I don’t mind.’ I really didn’t, and it was obvious he would choose Hui over me after all.

‘Now get back to the table baby, you should probably sit next to me.’ she told him, and he didn’t waste time standing up and returning to the table.

She looked at me after Zhenyuan was gone. ‘Oh, I’m sorry I disturbed your plan of trying to take Zhenyuan from me. It seems you’re always the loser in this competition.’

‘I don’t even like him but okay.’

‘As if I’d believe that.’ she laughed. ‘Good luck with your lonely meal.’ she waved her hand at me and walked away.

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