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Yes, I know, nobody likes rules, so I am going to make them as easy to do as possible:


1. You must give a permanent follow to: JadeSapphireRuby, and  lexyrulesok1

2. Add this to your reading list and your library (so you can get notifications when I update).

3. Give this book a shoutout on your profile.

4. There is no bribing of judges. If I am told that you have tried to bribe them you will be immediately disqualified.

5. Your book must be in English, have 5 Chapters or more(including prologue), and you may only enter 2 books.

6. You must have under 6K reads.

7. No negativity or hate otherwise you will be immediately disqualified from this, and all future GemStone Book Awards.

8. PLEASE DON'T BE A SORE LOSER. If you are a winner, congratulations! But if you aren't, please don't be bad about it, there is always next year!

We will be checking if you have followed us all and done the shoutout.


1. You must give a permanent follow to: JadeSapphireRuby , and lexyrulesok1 

2. Add this to your reading list and your library (so you can get notifications when I update).

3. Give this book a shoutout on your profile.

4. Do not accept bribes from participants. If a participant tries to do this please inform me immediately. 

5. You can judge 3 categories at the most. If you have a preference of which genre you wish to judge that doesn't already have a judge, please PM me and I will try my best to give you that genre.

6. Please start judging straight away as soon as you have all the participants in your genre(s). You will be given a fortnight to do them all. Please PM me if you need more/less time.

7. When you have judged all you books, please PM me a brief and honest review on each of their book and which books you think should come 1st, 2nd and 3rd in that genre.

8. You are also allowed to judge and participate, but not in the same category.

Please PM JadeSapphireRuby if you have any questions.

The GemStone Book Awards 2021Where stories live. Discover now