
337 20 11

Here are the genres you can enter(if they aren't already full) /judge (if they don't have a judge)

Action/Adventure: (10/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

Fantasy: (0/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge.

Mystery/Thriller: (10/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

Fanfiction: (8/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

Teen fiction: (0/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

General fiction: (4/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

Sci-fi: (12/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

Romance: (0/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

Werewolf/ Vampire/ Horror: (4/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

Poetry: (0/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge 

Humour: (10/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

Short Stories: (0/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

Miscellaneous: (13/15 spots remaining)-Already has a judge

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