Author's Note

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Hi everyone! I'm equal parts excited and terrified to announce that I will be participating in ONC 2021 (woot woot). All I currently have is a first chapter, an excel spreadsheet, and a dream- so here goes. Peep the deets below!


22. On occasion, an accusation of witchcraft has the power to set one on a wonderful, dangerous path.


Rebecca Smythe has led a perfectly unremarkable life. Unremarkable, that is, until she is accused of witchcraft and whisked away into a world of magic, underground newspapers, and housework.


Likely fairly PG so if you are looking for those eggplant moments this is probably not your vibe.

Cover art:

Courtesy of the fantastic @AzulMidnight ! 

Rebecca Smythe: Witch in Training || ONC 2021Where stories live. Discover now