Becky the Outcast

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Once Rebecca could convince her legs to move, she walked as if in a dream state. She needed to find Melinda. She needed to explain. As she walked, she told herself she never would have released those files. She had only told Alston that so he would leave. She would never have actually followed through with it.

But are you sure about that? asked a small voice. How far would you take your newfound will to live?

Rebecca ignored the voice and sped up. The party was winding down and the house staff was busy collecting plates off of tables and moving chairs back inside. A small crowd had gathered on the far end of the lawn as Kyle had latched onto the coattails of a rather drunken party guest and they seemed to be engaged in a fiery tug-of-war match.

On the other side of the garden, near where the stage had been set up, Rebecca saw them. Caldwell had his arm comfortingly around Melinda and they were walking away from the party towards the tall trees of the orchard.

"Wait!" Rebecca called. She was running now, dodging conversations and ducking between staff members carrying cocktail tables.

Please don't tell him, she thought. Please don't tell him, Melinda.

At the edge of the circle of festive lights, Caldwell and Melinda turned to look at her. They wore expressions of twin coldness. In an eternity of small moments, Rebecca stood before them out of breath.

"Melinda, I need to explain--" Rebecca gasped. Melinda's eyes were watery and she clung tightly to Caldwell like he was a rock in a swiftly moving stream.

"Melinda just told me everything," said Caldwell. He seemed so far away. Rebecca wanted to run into his arms just as Melinda had. She wanted to feel the safety and strength of them for the last time. "How dare you?" Caldwell practically growled. "I thought you were different, but you're no better than the people who sentenced you to burn."

"Caldwell wait," said Rebecca, "I never would actually have done it! I just needed Alston to leave so I could stay here with you all. I would never have shown those files to anyone! You have to believe me!"

"Why should we?" Caldwell asked. "After all the lies you've told we don't owe you our trust." The look of disgust on his face filled Rebecca's chest with a sharp panicked pain.

"Please..." said Rebecca but she had no more words. She knew Caldwell was right. They didn't owe her anything. In fact, were she in their shoes, she would treat herself with exactly the same scorn.

"I thought we were friends," said Melinda. Her eyes were overflowing now. Great big tears fell onto her silk dress and darkened the fabric. "But you lied about everything." Caldwell held her closer and Rebecca, unable to watch, looked down at her feet. Mud from the garden had stained the hem of her white dress.

"Just leave Rebecca," said Caldwell. "Once the guests are gone, I will be discussing the terms of your employment with Abigail."

Rebecca turned to go. There was nothing she could do. This was too big, too much to overcome. There was nothing left to do but obey.

She drifted back through the garden. She could see herself making her way through the crowd as if she were another person entirely. She saw the dirt on her white dress, the blotchiness of her face, her resigned expression. She saw all of the things that marked her as an outsider.

"Ms. Smith! Want to play with us?" Wilfred called as he and Charles came rushing through the dispersing crowd.

"We are being pirates!" called Charles with glee. "I'm the captain, of course, but I would let you be my first mate if you want."

Rebecca Smythe: Witch in Training || ONC 2021Where stories live. Discover now