Becky the Secret Keeper

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It took three hours for the house staff to make Rebecca's room presentable once again. Once the room was clean, it was actually fairly cozy. The bed was incredibly soft and there was a glossy wooden desk in the corner equipped with all manner of paper and quills. As soon as Rebecca was allowed into her quarters to get settled, she stashed the stack of papers from Alston's office inside one of the desk's many drawers. Without the stolen files pressing against her chest, she felt able to breathe deeply again. 

Having come directly from her own execution, Rebecca didn't have much to unpack. She stashed the kit Alston had given her under the bed and looked around for a dress that would give her a less singed appearance. To her immense good fortune, there were a number of frocks in the bureau left behind by old governesses. Rebecca found a dress in light lilac that was several inches too short but other than that fit her rather well. She was relieved to escape the scent of burned hair which had clung to her since the bonfire that morning. Appraising her reflection in the mirror, she tucked the bracelet Liza had given her beneath the long sleeves of the dress - it was the only thing that now remained of Rebecca Smythe.

Rebecca's stomach growled. She hadn't eaten all day and the smell of something savory had begun to waft into her room from the kitchens. She slipped into the corridor and headed right, in the direction she remembered seeing the dining room. 

The Plimpton home was a maze of portrait-lined walls and lavishly furnished rooms. Nothing was where Rebecca had mentally placed it during the brief tour Mrs. Plimpton had given her. She felt a rush of panic as she pushed open a third door only to find yet another drawing room- this one equipped with heavy maroon curtains and a small fireplace. She was going to be late for dinner on her very first night. She was considering calling out. Perhaps someone would come to find her and bring her to the dining room. She was just about to let out a tentative 'hello' when she heard her name drifting from a door further down the passage. Creeping closer she heard Mrs. Plimpton's characteristic soprano. 

"...Rebecca's here so it will NEED to stop. If Richard were to find out--"

"He won't find out." Rebecca was shocked to hear Caldwell's rumbling baritone. "And I don't think Rebecca will stick around long enough to notice." At those words, Rebecca's heart sank to the pit of her stomach. 

"I am done having this discussion Caldwell. It must end. Even having this conversation puts--"

The next few seconds were a blur. Mrs. Plimpton opened the door and stopped speaking immediately. Caldwell came up behind her. His lips, drawing a stubborn line across his face, turned slightly downward upon seeing the new governess. Rebecca, in turn, jumped back and adopted a deeply nonchalant expression. 

"Ms. Smith! How long have you been standing there?" Mrs. Plimpton's face looked flushed and it seemed like she had been crying again. 

"Oh goodness! I didn't know there was anyone in that room," Rebecca lied. "I was just on my way to dinner but I got a bit lost. Your house is truly magnificent." 

Mrs. Plimpton seemed visibly relieved upon hearing that Rebecca hadn't overheard. 

"We are heading there now. Please, join us. I was just discussing matters of the estate with Caldwell here. He is going to be adding some more fruit trees to the property." Mrs. Plimpton hooked her arm around Rebecca's and lead them down the hall. Caldwell trailed behind like a ghost and Rebecca wondered if he could see the cold sweat which pricked the back of her neck.

Dinner was an ordeal. Caldwell, Rebecca, and the three Plimptons gathered in a large open dining room. Mr. Plimpton, she was told, was in Codwater for an important meeting and would be joining them later. The small household sat around a polished wooden table laden with dozens of ornate serving dishes. By the looks of it, there was enough food to feed the entire staff of Cline's Dairy and still have enough left over for the cows.

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