Chapter one- Home?

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The blue seeker was sitting on the floor, focused on the datapad that she was given fifteen minutes ago. The orphanage of which she resided was busy at that moment, one of her friends was getting taken away today.

When the seeker said taken away, she meant that they were getting adopted. The seeker should have been happy for her friend, but at the same time she was upset. The seeker had lived at that Kaonian orphanage her entire life, and she was kinda jealous of her friend.

But she could understand why no one even dared to look at her. The seeker was an inbreed, and no one actually wanted one. They brought shame to both seekers and grounders, which she was both of. Her wings were overly to large to fly properly and her frame was too sleek to drive.

The seeker sighed, shifting slightly. She had heard other bots talking before taking her friends. They said that she should be dead, that the funtionists should have killed her when they figured out what she was, only half of what she should have been.

She had no use at the moment, she had never been taught to change forms. She had no idea what her use was, what her purpose was on this world. Her wing twitched, banging on the floor. She really needed to stop thinking his negative thoughts, they just hindered her progress, no one liked a miserable child.

Or at least that's what The Caretaker told her. Caretaker was her closest friend, though she didn't know Caretakers real name. Currently Caretaker was standing by the door, watching the people moving about in the hall.

Watching bondmates who had no creations take the one that were unwanted. Caretaker was simply afraid that the bad bots would come and start taking people like they did the week before.

They had come and they had taken a good amount of the other younglings. Caretaker had shoved the blue seeker in a closet and denied her existence. The seeker had been lucky.

"Caretaker?" The seeker turned to face the tall white bot.

"Hm?" They replied, not meeting her optics.

"Why do they hate me so much? I know that I was a mistake, but why do they hate me?"

"I am unsure."

The seeker huffed, standing up and putting her datapad in her subspace. Her pedes were tingly from sitting down for about fifteen minutes.

"I've been here for almost ten years!" The blue seeker whined.

"I'm aware." Caretaker said, "If I was able, I would take you, but I cannot."

"Why not?"

"Because I cannot."

"That doesn't make sense."

Caretaker huffed.

"I am aware that you are upset about your friend. Is that why you are berating me with questions?" Caretaker questioned, causing the seeker to pout.

"Maybe... I'm just so sick of my friends leaving me forever! I get so close to them and then they disappear! I don't even know where they go!" The seeker whined, her wings drooping.

The seeker couldn't see Caretakers optics, she was sure they were rolling them though. Caretaker finally turned to meet the seekers sky blue eyes, which were too wide for her own good. They made Caretaker feel guilty every time.

"Listen, I'm gonna tell you a super big secret that you can't tell anyone." Caretaker said, kneeling so that they were eye to eye with the youngling.

"Really! What?" The seeker asked, her optics brightening and her wings perking up.

"Next week, I am taking everyone to see a speaker."

"Really? Which one? Do you have permission from the governess?"

"Yes. We are going to see Megatronus of Tarn speak at the gladiator ring. And no, the governess does not know yet."

"Why though? Isn't Mega... uhm.... What's his name dangerous? That's what the other bots say."

"Megatronus is dangerous in the optics of the functionists. You know, the people who have categorized you as unwanted?"

"They did that... To me? Why? I know that means they don't like people that are useless, but I can't be useless, because I don't even know what my use is yet!"

Caretaker nodded, placing a gentle servo on the blue seeker's shoulder.

"I agree with you. I do not think that bots like you should be mistreated like this, that is why I am taking all of you to hear Megatronus' words. He believes that your wronging is unnecessary like you and I do."

"So he's not dangerous?"

"No. He's not. Not that we know at least."

The blue seeker nodded slowly.

"Why are we going to see him? what will talking do to change an entire planet's mind?" The seeker asked.

"Words can be as sharp and deadly as a sword, you should know that. I'm taking you to prove a point, to make the other younglings agree with antifuntionism."

"So they won't be mean to me anymore? They won't call me names?"

"That is not guaranteed, my friend, but it can."

The seeker smiled slightly. Then she surprised Caretaker by throwing her arms around her in a hug.

"I'm excited for this, even though I'm not allowed to tell anybot. Thank you."

Caretaker hated being touched, but they didn't try to pry the seeker off. They simply returned the favor by hugging her back, stroking her wings gently.

"I am glad."


"What?" The governess hissed, her red optics narrowing at Caretaker.

Blore was a ruthless femme, she did not care for her job, but it was what she was casted as.

"What are you trying to prove here, darling?" Blore mocked, folding her servos on her desk, leaning way to close to Caretakers face

"If we expose them to this at a younger age, they will understand how horrible it is." Caretaker tried.

Blore sighed, shaking her head.

"Caretaker, this is just how our world works. Funtionism will exist until there is a new prime selected. And Primus knows if their ideologies will change. I know that you want to protect that little seeker creature of yours, but I really don't care. That Megatronus guy and his friends are gonna get taken down by the senate and will never be heard from or of again. Do you want that to happen to you or the seeker?" Blore hissed.

"No... But I-"

"No, There is no buts in this situation. I will not allow you to put more of the younglings here at risk, because only Primus knows that it was your fault that those slave traders took half of them last week."

"That was not my fault, technically it was yours for the lack of security."

"Listen, Sweetheart, I know that you feel horrible about what happened, and you think that fighting the system will make it stop, but it won't. No one's mind is gonna change because some bots think whats going on is wrong."

Caretaker started stammering, which they never did, but was almost instantly shushed by Blore.

"You just be quiet about this okay. One more word about this damned gladiator and I'll report you. You are one of the best here, and we don't need to loose you. You'll put yourself in danger as well as your seeker. Do you want that?"


"Well then you get my point, now go."

Caretaker stood up from the desk, turning they back instantly to Blore. Primus, they hated Blore with a burning passion. They had vowed never to listen to her years ago, and they would take that vow to her damned grave.

(Sad panda. Baby seeker and her overprotective.... Parent? Yeah, shits gonna hit the fan really quick I promise! Sorry for the cheesey intro, but it's all I could think of, but it gets better.

I love y'all!


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