Chapter three- The Medic Meets The Seeker

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The seeker felt someone nudge her side, but her head was heavy and she didn't feel like moving.

"Are you okay?"

The seeker onlined her optics, groaning softly. Her head hurt like a glitch and her optics were sore.

"Oh good, you're alive."

The seeker looked to the youngling that was talking to her. She couldn't tell if the youngling was a seeker or a grounder, they didn't have any wheels and she couldn't see any wings.

They were a femme like the seeker, her paint job was red and white and her armor was smooth.

"What happened?" The blue seeker questioned as the white youngling offered her a servo.

The white youngling pulled the blue seeker up, causing her head to spin. She almost fell again, but the white youngling caught her.

"You took a nasty hit to the helm." The other youngling said.

"But what happened?" The seeker asked again as the youngling hoisted her arm over her shoulder, "How did I hit my helm? I can't remember."

"I dunno, no one tells me these things," The youngling shrugged, "I tried to ask the other medics but they just won't talk to me."

"You're a medic?"

"I'm training to be, not by choice, but yeah."

The youngling walked the seeker over to a tent that was set up near the podium. The seeker assumed that this was a little... What was the word... med something rather.

"Hey doc?" The youngling said to an older green and white bot, "This one got hit in the helm, what do I do about that?"

The medic looked to the glassy eyed seeker. There was an energon crusted scratch on her forehelm and a cut on her knee. The blue seeker looked tired and in pain.

The medic sighed and crouched down, pulling a small light and a scanner from his subspace. He pointed the light in the seekers optics, causing her to flinch.

"Follow the light with your optics," The green medic instructed.

The seeker followed the light, but began to lose focus. The green medic sighed and scanned the seeker. The scanner picked up slight infection in the cut on her forehelm, but there was slight internal damage done when the wound was inflicted.

"What happened to you?" The medic questioned, "How'd you get that cut on your helm?"

"Tripped, I think, I don't remember." The seeker mumbled.

The medic hummed, standing back up.

"Alrigh then, I think this one took some minor processor damage. Take her over to Pharma, he should be able to help."

The youngling nodded and dragged the seeker over to another medic who smiled when they came over.

"Who's your friend, youngling?" The seeker frame medic, who the blue seeker assumed was Pharma, asked.

"Ratchet told me to take her over to you, don't ask me why." The youngling explained.

Pharma nodded.

"Okay, youngling, I'll take care of this one, you go back to helping the others."

The other youngling nodded, ducking under the blue seekers arm and walking back out into the coliseum. The seeker swayed a bit with the lack of balance, almost falling on her face again before being caught be the tall medic.

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