Un-Mate Me!......'Alpha' (Watty Awards)

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Un-Mate Me!.......'Alpha'

Alright here is the full chapter on chapter 4.

Before I start I would love to say A big thank you to my new fan!!!

And a huge thank you to all of my fans, and for the people who take the time to read my story.

You're all amazing!!!!!

Okay, I am going to be quiet, so you guys can read the chapter. :)


Chapter 4

I ran the silver brush(that Drek had gave me a couple of days ago), it softly ran through my auburn hair. Nurtaring my hair every step of the way.

Soon peace over came me, I closed my eyes, very quickly the peace went leaving me with my horrible past....

The past that I would rather forget.

An image of Mike smiling flashed across my mind, I tried my best not to choke on my own tears, tears for him.

It was all going great, but the-.....

My door opened, bringing me back to reality, I looked at my door to see Drek giving me a happy pleasant smile.

"So how's it going?", I quietly sighed.

"Are the kids still asleep?", he nodded his head.

"Of course, it's only", he quickly checked his watch before he spoke again.

"5:30, which reminds me. Why are you awake?"

"I guess that I am still used to having to get up early, and run-away", my response had him walk into my room.

He softly shut the door closed behind him, his hazel eyes starred deeply into mine, I couldn't move apart of me wanted this while my wolf begged me not too.

I couldn't have this....but..

Why not Drek?

'You can't!!!!', my wolf growled angry for me thinking of that.

If I was still human, I wouldn't have to choose or run-away.

He slowly made his way to me, my heart stayed calm and at ease "Do you want Erix?"

I was shocked to hear him say that. Why-I...mean...

He chuckled softly "I was just kidding", he sat on my bed. Before he wrapped his contentmenting arms around me, he yanked me down onto my bed with him, that earned him a soft giggle.

Drek sighed in peace, and happiness "That is the Vel I was hoping to bring back", I giggled again.

He flipped us over "You need to stop giggling", he said in a warning voice.

Ah. I missed that voice of his.

I shook my head "Now, why would I do that?"

"Because I am gonna...", he trailed off. His lips are so close to mine that I could feel his sweet breath hitting my face. 'This is lovely.'

I kept thinking . Until my own laughter cut off my own thoughts.

I squirmed beneath him "No....please...please....stop!!!!......Stop.....", I said in between its laughter.

Half an hour later, he managed to stop.

While I was catching my breath he went to go get my little honey buns up.

Not even ten seconds later, and my lil brothers were all ready to go, I smiled at each and every one of them.

Jaq made himself look like Drek. I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance at that.

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