Chapter 1 Erix Fighting The Urge?

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I loved the votes, and the support!! It helps me with continuing this story!!

I wanted to say a thanks to my new fan!! XD

Here it is........

Chapter 1 Erix Fighting The Urge?


The boys were all mad. Drek and Az were burning with anger mixed with rage, even their mates were?!! Selene slammed her fist into the wall making Az take her into the back to calm her down. Wow. That girl can be strong, when you'd least expect it!

Carol was angry, but she wouldn't punch a wall, she chunked the huge table at the sliding door making it crash into the window. Drek took her outside to keep her composed.

All four of their eyes watched me.

I swallowed.

"No guy is suspose to do that to his mate!!", his violet eyes are raged with fury, and his red hair finally matched his mood.

"Kift I know that he isn't treating-"

"Look at her defending that piece of trash!!", Jaq bellowed while shaking and trying to contain his anger, he never is angry. So he popcorned him off.

"I agree with Jaq. I hate that fool", Ras shook his head with his dark brown curls dangling against his head.

Those dark green eyes starred at me emotionlessly, I am happy to have him the same, but his face turned into anger. "What the hell!! Vel!! He can't keep coming and going expecting you to forgive him!!!", I hate him not being funny anymore.

I stood up tired of them accusing me "None of you boys have mates, even if your mate is wrong you will defend them no matter what!", all of them went silent and they sat on the floor.

I mean, he really isn't mine, and he hasn't been the greatest adoptive older brother. But they just can't hold a grudge on him forever. Two warm arms wrapped around my neck lossely, before a heart sprinting kiss was placed on top of me hair making me smile in happiness.

Gosh, my boys have grew.

After the war, and Mike beging at my feet when he came back four months ago to help him with his mate. Yes they are still pestering me about him, because I almost went back to him last night. To tell him to stop whimpering and man up to the consequences he has to face.

Anways after that happened.

In those four months it was like four years for the boys.

So multiple 4 times 4. Yep you get 16!! I am so glad that they matured along the way.

I can't believe that they are all almost grown-up.

"You were saying", Gren tried to hide his smirk. I have no doubt that they are talking about me too each other.

I never told them what I was, neither has Erix, or even Az. We like to forget that the war ever happened.

But we can never forget what we are. We aren't normal wolves that is for sure.

"Since you are all talking about me too each other. Can you just leave", all four of them sprung to their feet, and they all looked at each other. Suddenly i felt his intoxicating warmth leave me, it was instantly replaced by coldness. What the hell? Once I noticed how slowly the boys got up to their feet and crept closer to me.

I backed away "Oh no!!", too late they all attacked me with a huge hug, the five of us fell onto the huge black sofa.

We all laughed at our sillyness.

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