Chapter 14 (A different perspective)

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This is it, this chapter will answer some questions, well maybe one. Thanks for the voting/commenting/reading my story!!

And I would appreciate it, if I got some more votes on this story, because it is up for the wattyawards.

Here is the next chapter that is in Az's point of view.

Chapter 14 (A different perspective)

Once I got over my blurry vision, I jumped back up to my feet to see Vel gone. I growled in rage. That guy took her.

I let out a loud viscious growl making Drek and Erix stop their fighting, I eyed the both of them.

"What the hell brought this fight on?!!!!", I shook in anger, wanting, no demanding to have an answer.

Erix and Drek seemed to calm themselves down, then they both replied at the same time "I have no idea".

That is what I thought. This unusual werewolf Mike somehow put them under a tranze. The thing is, how can he do that?

No other wolf can, so why him?

I saw a strange look in Erix's eyes, I could tell that he noticed that his mate is gone. The both of them transformed back into their human selves.

No he never actually left her, we were just using Breana because that no good for nothing traitor, actually helped Mike attack one of our other packs.

He was just using her, he could never leave her.

Vel is his heart and soul, and no matter what she can never leave him. Even if they do leave each other. I can gaurantee that they'll be running back to each other in no time.

Those two just complicate things for each other, once this crappy war is over. I will get them and lock them both in a room, and I need to find Drek a girl so he'll leave poor confused Vel alone.

Something tells me that she isn't your usual wolf.

"Did he take her?", Drek asked me in a low, hushed voice. I sighed in frustration.

"He distracted you two by making you both attack each other, so he can take off with her, and her only. Because my brother told me that he still has her brothers".

Erix growled and he transformed into a huge, a really huge dark-blood read Werewolf, I starred at him shocked. This isn't possible.

Is it?

The prophecy of the Fallen Werewolf's is finally happening, if so then.

A startled gasp let my lips.

This can't end well.

(A/N:Back to Vel's point of view.)

I resisted Mike's kisses, I wasn't giving into him. I wouldn't let him try to steal me. Deep down I knew that I could never leave Erix, he was my everything. I needed him and his kisses. Not Mike's.

If I had too, then I would be Erix's mistress so I could still have his love.

"Why do you want me Mike, and why start this war?", he pulled back and gave me a smug smile.

"Have you ever heard of the prophecy of the Fallen Werewolf's", my eyes went wide.

"It can't be true".

"But it is, my darling", he slowly got off of his huge bed, leaving me there chained up still.

I hate these chains!!

"Do you see I am the werewolf that is the main Traitor, but the prophecy calls me the Death-fire Werewolf, and I may say that is also says that I actually end-up making you. But of course you betray me, by being the Werewolf Warrior. By the way that is your real name. Oh and your so called Mate, he is the Blood-hungry Werewolf.", Mike walked over to his black bookshelf to pull out the small werewolf prophecy book.

Then he opened it up, and he sat back on his bed, right before he started to read it.

"One day the Death-Fire Werewolf will come out and decide to start a war, so he can be the most evil powerful werewolf.

And it says here that he'll one day fall in love with a beauty, that he decides to turn into a werewolf, they were separated at his death.

But as he comes back for her, she has a mate and she betrays the Death-Fire Werewolf. She fights against and not with him, so as she can't tell but she is one of the three from the Fallen Werewolf's.

When she is actually the Werewolf Warrior.

And her beloved mate is the Blood-Hungry Werewolf who goes against the Death-Fire Werewolf.

'It says if he shall and will want to set the others free, then he will by his own death", he shut the book closed and gave me a smug smile.

"So you see my bretrayer, he'll die in the end", I gave him a death glare, he looked hurt but he quickly shook it off.

I opened my mouth to speak, but was caught off by Mike's Beta "Alpha, we have a situation one of the-", before the Beta could finish his sentence. Mike was already outside, with his Beta following him.

Angry and terribly sad, I look down to see the prophecy book laying right in front of me. Should I see if there is a way out for my love. My mind already made up its mind, by having me grab the book.

I flipped it open, and the wind blew through the open window, making the pages flip and go to a secret page.

Curious I put my palm on the empty page, and it lit itself up, before it showed me a new hidden prophecy.

'It says that the Blood-Hungry Werewolf's death will simply not happen, if the black shadow-figured Werewolf shows up in the nic of time to save him.'

But who can be that werewolf?

And what is that werewolf anyways?

More pages appeared at the bottom of the page.

And it said 'The Black Shadow-Figured werewolf is secretly blood-related to the Death-Fire Werewolf, he is actually", my eyes went wide.

"He is the real Alpha of the Entire world", I dropped the book onto the floor.

For some strange reason I started to cry uncontrollably, and Mike walked in to see me in this terrible state.

"We will attack your pack tomorrow", that made me jump up and try to go at him.

"And you will finally be mine", and he walked right-back out of his room.

I need to find my way out of here. Something tells me that he'll leave me here, when he goes into battle.

Rage built itself up inside of me, and I started to shake uncontrollably.


Wow. I wasn't planning on with the prophecy, but oh well.

That is what happens, when you write as you go along.

Whoever comments on this chapter first will have it dedicated to them.

And no, the story is far from over.

_Sorry for any literature mistakes_

*Coolcatsz422 warns Az about the attack*.

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