CHAPTER 3 - Damn

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3rd Person POV:

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3rd Person POV:

Atsushi went back to shore carrying the person. He placed down the person as he takes a breath. Y/n on the other hand is panicking.

"ATSUSHI! LET'S TAKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL!" She said panicky. Y/n then looked at the person on the ground, she sees that the man has bandages and a light brown coat. Y/n began to poke the man in the face and to see he is not moving.

"AHHHHHH!!! HE'S DEAD!!" Y/n yelled as Atsushi tried to calm her down. The man on the ground began to twitch which made Y/n and Atsushi jump. They both take a closer look and the man's eyes opened which scared Y/n a little.

 They both take a closer look and the man's eyes opened which scared Y/n a little

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He then sat up. While Y/n looked at him a scared.

'IS HE POSSESSED???!!' Y/n thought as she was shaking.

"I made it." The man said.

"Damn." He said in an annoyed expression.

"Damn?" Both Y/n and Atsushi said.

'Did he just say damn?' They both thought with an annoyed expression.

'Did he just say damn?' They both thought with an annoyed expression

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"W-What do you mean Damn!!??" Y/n said.

"Are you the one who got in the way in my drowning?" He asked Atsushi as he stands up.

"I was just trying to help," Atsushi said. "Huh? Drowning?!"

"You don't know what that is?" He said. "Suicide"

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