CHAPTER 13 - Crybaby

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'Am I dead

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'Am I dead...?'

It's hard to breathe pain everywhere It's dark so I'm guessing that I'm dead from bloodless. Dammit, I haven't even gotten to marry Dazai. I then heard voices talking as I tried to slowly open my eyes. 

A bright light then hits my eyes as carefully sit up. I looked around the room and to see Dazai sitting beside my bed reading his book 'Suicide Book' 

He puts his book down and smiled softly at me which made my heart skip a beat which I was immediately about to propose to him and marry me 

"I'm glad you're awake Y/n-chan," Dazai said as he stops me from talking.

"Dazai! What happened?!"

"You passed out and saying that you need to go to the hospital and saying that your blood type is red," He says as he laughs.

"BUT I NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL OR I'LL DIE!!! And I was so exhausted at that time so I don't know what I've been saying!" 

"You're so cute Y/n!!" Dazai says as he pinched my cheek.

"Ahh! You're awake Agatsuma-chan!" A voice said as I heard footsteps coming towards my bed.

"Yosano-san!? W-What are you doing here? And please call me Y/n"

"Yesterday was a lucky day for me!! Thank you Y/n-chan!! You got a Fatal Injury and I was bored so thanks!" Yosano said with a cheerful smile.

"Huh!? A Fatal Injury!!?? B-But I don't have money to pay the hospital bills!!"

"You think the hospital helped you?" Dazai says.

"Were not at the hospital...?"

"Nope! Yosano here used her Ability to heal you," He says.

"Hai~ My Ability is 'Thou Shalt not Die' As for me to use it the person must have a Fatal injury. You're so lucky Y/n that I didn't use my chainsaw on you cause you are already half-dead" She says as she sighs.

"Yosano... You're such a sadist" I said straightforward. "But... You saved my life, so, therefore!" I said as I stood up slowly as my sides hurt. I slowly walked towards her as I tried to ignore the pain. I hold both her hands and took a deep breath as my eyes glow.

"So, therefore!, Please Marry Me!" I looked at her with determination. She chuckles as she patted my head.

"You're So cute Y/n-chan!" She says.

"I told her that you copycat!" Dazai argues as Yosano earned an irk mark as she smacked Dazai Hard.

"But Y/n! I thought you only get to marry me as I said yes to your proposal!" Dazai Said as he faked sulked.

"Ya know... I could have you as my Husband and Yosano as my Wife. Uzui has three wives so?"


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