Part 3

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He softly grinned as he walked upstairs with the seventeen year old, showing him there room. He walk in a bunk bed to the right, a another bed in front of him and a bed in the corner of the room.

"Welcome to our crib, Liam sleeps in the bed in the far corner, I sleep top bunk and lip sleeps in the bed in front of you. You can have bottom bunk."

"Thank you and Night Carl."

Wilburs pov

His curly brunet hair hung down to his eyebrows, as he strummed his guitar, softly singing lyrics. He despised how silent it was, it's been like this for two weeks. Usually before he had the loud, enthusiastic voice of sixteen year old.

The kid went on vacation two weeks ago, Wilbur was happy that he was getting a break, but it just felt different without him there. He always gets excited to see Tommy text him to get his ass out of bed.

Carl's pov

The seventeen year old furrowed his eyebrows as he heard whimpering below him, the bed was rocking back and forth. He eventually grew tired of it and jumped down to see what was going on?

"Please d-don't hurt me. Dad please." The blonde quietly whispered, tightly shutting his eyes. Fuck. Carl stood there not knowing what to do, he wasn't used to comforting people.

"Hey Toms, wake up." He whispered lightly shaking him, the younger slowly woke up, alertly looking around. "Hey, hey it's okay." He said in a gentle tone, pulling him in for a tight hug.

They sat there for a couple minutes, the sixteen year old sobbed into his shirt soaking it. Why the fuck do I already have a soft spot for this little shit, I literally never have that for anyone. He thought.

Fiona slowly opened the door to check up on her two brothers, to tell them goodnight. She didn't expect to see Carl holding a random kid, she stood at the frame of the door watching the two.

Eventually the seventeen year old slowly laid Tommy back down, kneeling down beside the bottom bunk. "Hey it's going to be ok. I'm going to be right above you if you need anything." He didn't even see his older sister still standing at the door, softly smiling at the scene in front of her.

"T-Thank you." The younger said, the one in camo pants ruffled his hair and climbed back up to top bunk.

Time skip.

Carl slowly opened his eyelids to the sound of his alarm, he rushingly got up to do his morning routine to stay in shape for military school.

When he hopped down from the top bunk, eyes going immediately wide to see a blonde kid in the bottom bunk. He slowly remembered the events of yesterday, he lightly smiled as he walked down stairs.

"Hey guys!" He greeted his sisters and brother, he scrunched his nose as the brunet gave him a unreadable look.

"Yo Latinate, you ever actually going to change out of your military school clothes, do you even actually wash those?" Lip teased him, making Carl flip him off, mouthing 'fuck off.'

"Carl can I talk to you?" His older sister asked, he rose a eyebrow. "I saw you with that kid last night, one who is he? And two since when do you feel sympathy?"

"Well, one his name is Tommy, oh and two go fuck yourself bitch."

He looked up to see a six foot three kid walk down the stairs rubbing his eyes, the other two in the room looked concussed but almost unfazed.

"Who the fuck are you?" Lip asked.

"I'm living here until I get money to go back home." He nonchalantly grabbed the coffee off the counter, "Do any of you guys know of hiring jobs around here?"

"I can use you at my restaurant patsy's." Fiona suggested.

"You could also "Uber" with me." The military student said.

"Why'd you put quotations?"

"Because I fake it, I'm not old enough to Uber." Tommy snorted.

"Wait so who dragged you in here?" Lip asked.

"Blame the Latinate."

"You act like you weren't just in the woods hanging out after getting torchered for two weeks."

"What you don't just chill in the middle of the woods after getting drugged and half beaten to death." The blonde said sarcastically earning a chuckle from the teen mom and lip.


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