Burnin' Up Tour

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*This is specific imagine is also in my Demi Lovato Imagines, please go give that a read too*


Demi invited me to come watch her perform with her friends, the Jonas Brothers on their Burnin' Up tour. I gladly accepted. I listen to the Jonas Brothers' most recent album, A Little Bit Longer on my iPod as I get ready for the show tonight. I had flown into New York City the day before and got to spend a little bit of time with Demi before the show last night, but I didn't go to the show last night cause I wasn't feeling too well.

I head out of the hotel room making sure it locked behind me before heading down to the lobby to catch a cab to the MSG arena. I climb into the backseat of the yellow cab, "Madison Square Garden, please." The cab driver nods and drives away from the hotel. I am wearing a short spaghetti strap velvet red dress with silver caged heels. I curled my medium length blonde hair like Taylor Swift's and did a natural makeup look.

The cab driver pulls up to the MSG arena, I text Demi that I am at the venue. Demi texts back saying that the Jonas Brothers dad, Kevin Jonas Sr. is coming to get me. I walk over to the back gates where a man with glasses is waiting. "Are you Kevin Jonas Sr.?" I ask the man with glasses. "Yes, you're Y/N? Demi's friend?" I nod, "Yep!" He motions for me to follow him where he leads me into the venue through backstage to Demi's dressing room. I knock on the door, Demi opens the door.

"AH! Y/N! You're here!" Demi screams. She hugs me immediately and pulls me into her dressing room. "I'm so glad you're here." Demi stares at me for a little too long, "Demi?" She shakes her head and apologizes. I feel like she has a little crush on me, I mean I have a crush on her too.

"Hey, you want to meet the guys?" She asks. I nod as she takes my hand walking toward the stage. Joe, Nick and Kevin are rehearsing until Demi and I walk onto the stage. Joe notices Demi and I first, Kevin second and Nick last. Nick's phone starts to ring, "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I gotta take this... (On the phone) Hey, Miley."

Joe comes up to Demi and I, giving Demi a fist bump and he extends his arm to give me a hand shake. Kevin does the same except he gave Demi a peck on the cheek which made me a little jealous. "Hi, I'm Joe. You're Y/N right? Demi has told us all about you." I give Demi a questioning look then give Joe my full attention.

Us four head to the Jonas Brothers dressing room. Demi, Joe and I sit on the couch while Kevin and Nick sit on the chairs opposite of us. Demi's knee touching my leg every once in awhile to let me know she's there. Demi grabs my arm and holds onto it, I grab her hand while still talking to Joe nonstop. Joe and I hit it off right away, "Hey, Y/N. I was hoping I could take you out to dinner tonight? It will be a midnight dinner if you're okay with that." I smile,"Of course. I'd love to!" Joe nods and smiles, "You're staying for the whole show right?" I nod. Joe rests his arm on the back of the couch allowing the space between us to open up more. I adjust myself so I'm sitting straight on the couch and lean towards Joe slightly.

The tour manager tells Demi she needs to get ready for her set in the show, she's on before the Jonas Brothers. Demi unhooks herself from my arm and pulls her hand away from mine, she stands up and walks out the door to her dressing room without saying a word. "Hey, Y/N. I think you should go check on Demi." Kevin states kinda firmly. "Okay. Thanks, Kevin. Have a great show guys," I turn to Joe, "See you afterwards." Joe smiles and blushes. I wink to Joe before standing up and walking out of their dressing room and to Demi's room.

I knock on Demi's dressing room door before opening it, "Demi?" I peak inside and she's grabbing her onstage clothes off the hanger. I open the door more, slide inside, close and lock the door so no one can come in. "Hey, babey." I say in a silly tone taking a few steps towards Demi. She doesn't acknowledge my presence, "Hi." She says softly and takes her shirt off the hanger.

She walks into the bathroom to change. I wait until she comes out to talk, "What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask concerned for my best friend. "I'm fine, okay?" Demi tells me in an annoyed tone. I sigh, "Demi, hey. Talk to me, why are you mad?" She rolls her eyes at me, "Demi, please." She sighs irritably. "Fine, you want to know why I'm annoyed. You and Joe hitting it off and flirting the whole time, you never paid attention to me at all. I invited you here so I could spend time with the person I really fucking love, are you happy now?"

I'm stunned, I don't know what to say. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way, I'm glad you told me. I want you to know, Demi that I will forever be by your side no matter what. I'm sorry I haven't been giving you the attention you deserve from me, I love you a lot and I hate to see you hurt. It breaks me to see you hurt in any kind of way. Can you forgive me?" Some tears roll down my cheeks, Demi walks up to me wiping away my tears. She nods, "Yes. I forgive you, can I spend the night in your hotel room?" I smile at her, "You're always welcome, but I do have that date with Joe tonight." She nods understanding my plans, "I'm happy you have a date with Joe. He's a really great guy." We hug, I peck the side of her head. "Have a great show and I'll be watching from the side lines." She pulls away then running out to the stage to perform.

I walk to the side of the stage where I can see Demi performing her ass off, she's rocking it. I feel someone come up behind me, I turn to look. It's Joe, he moves a foot so he's now on the side of me where he can't be seen by the audience. My hands rest on my sides, Joe slowly intertwines our fingers. I turn my head in his direction, we lock eyes. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips and I do the same to him. He starts to lean in, I lean in toward him. Our lips touch and move in sync with each other for a few seconds. We both pull away at the same time, we smile and kiss for about two seconds then pull away again. "I really like you and I know we only met a few hours ago, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. I hope that doesn't make me sound crazy..." I shake my head no, I lean in and whisper in his ear, "I feel that same way and not at all." I pull away and he's smiling, Joe leans in to whisper in my ear. "Okay, good."

It's now time for the Jonas Brothers to go onstage. Big Rob repeatedly is telling Joe to hurry up, but Joe isn't leaving my side. "Joe, go. I'll be right here watching, have a kick ass show." Joe leans down and gives my cheek a quick kiss before running off to where they start the show off.

About halfway through the show, Joe says, "This next song goes out to a special person tonight. This song is called Burnin' Up." Joe quickly looks my way, points to me and winks. "I'm hot, you're cold. You go around like you know who I am, but you don't. You got me on my toes..." 

Joe Jonas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now