His Parents Don't Agree

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I arrived on the set of Joe's new movie, Devotion. I walk over to his trailer, knock on the door. I knock again. Someone clears their throat, "Y/N?" I hear Joe's voice. I run over to him, He hugs me tightly. "Hi! Babe, what are you doing here?" Joe asks excitedly. I kiss his soft lips, "I came to surprise you!" He sets me on the ground then pulls me into his trailer. "Wait, we're making us public?" He places his hands on my waist then pulls me close to him. "If you're okay with that, are you okay with that, Joe?" I ask nervously.

I'm 20 while Joe is 28. That makes us eight years apart, but we're crazy for each other and we don't care what anyone says. He looks at my eyes then down to my lips multiple times. "Yes. You're all I want, I don't care what anyone says. I love you." Joe waits for my answer, "Joe, I love you too. I don't care either. I don't want anyone to take you away from me. You're so important to me. Now, I think you're late for your scene." His eyes go wide, "Shit. Okay, come with me? We can tell everyone about us." I follow him to the set. 

Joe rushes to his costars, "Sorry... I'm late. I was with my beautiful girlfriend." He winks at me, everyone in the room stops. Joe's assistant rushes up to me, "I knew you guys were together!" She holds my arms. "This is our last scene for the day people! Let's get this show on the road!" The director yells. Joe's assistant and I go our ways, I stand behind the camera while he joins the cast. They film a fire scene. This scene always makes me cry, I never want to see any of them like that. They finish and Joe runs over to me. "Are you crying?" He asks teasing me. "Shut up, I don't want you to get hurt ever." He gives me a big hug, "I stay safe whenever I'm with you." He kisses my cheek. 

One of his co-stars comes up to us. "I told you even before I kinda knew you guys were dating that you two would get together." Joe and I laugh with her, she walks away from us. We head back to his trailer, he gets changes into his normal clothes. I watch him as he tries to take off the makeup by himself. "You need help?" I ask giggling at his struggles. He heads to the makeup trailer then comes back with a fresh clean face. "Come on, let's go." He intertwines our fingers. Paparazzi surround Joe's car. They ask us a bunch of questions while he opens the door for me, I get in quickly while he rushes to the drivers side. We drive off to Joe's house. 

Once we're inside his house, he pushes me up against the door closing it shut. "I need you!" Joe shouts once we are inside his house. "W-what?" I stutter as he pulls me close to his body. "Listen, I think we should tell our parents."

We walk up to his parents house in Texas. Joe hasn't been here for years and while we're here. Once we arrive at their doorstep, I knock on the door. He's really nervous, "Don't worry." His parents open the door, they invite us in. "Mom, Dad... this is my girlfriend, Y/N. She's 20 years old and I love her with all my heart." Joe breathes nervously, I squeeze his hand. His parents stare at our hands, Joe pulls his hand away. "Mr and Mrs. Jonas, I love your son. He's my world and I'm his. I would do anything for him, I know that being a few years apart is a big age gap, but I'm sorry to say this. We don't care." I look at their faces then Joe's. He looks uncomfortable. "You seem like a lovely girl. Joseph, can we talk to you?" His parents take him into the kitchen while I wait in the living room. I can hear every word...


"Joe, if people find out then your career is over!" My mother yells at me. "Mom! I don't care. I love her. I LOVE HER. PEOPLE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT US! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT? NO." I shout at my parents. "Joseph Adam Jonas! Don't you yell at us, she's 20! Why? Why not get back together with Gigi?" My dad exclaims, I bite my lip, "If you can't accept Y/N and I... then we're leaving. I'll go live my life with her, I don't need you guys. I love you, but I'm done."

I grab my girlfriend's hand and leave. I drive us to an empty theater. We walk to the auditorium, she sits at the end of the stage. I walk up behind her and sit next to her. Tears run down her face, "Hey... what's wrong?" I ask as I wrap my arm around her shoulders. She looks into my eyes, "The way your parents talked about me, the way your parents stared at our hands and just everything. No one will like us together-" I interrupt her, "I don't care about what people think of us. You know that. I love you very much. Don't you ever forget that." I pull out my phone, I play 'Hesitate'. "This is our song. I was waiting, but looks like this is a good time." I start to sing my part. We waltz around the stage, the song becomes to an end.

"I love you, Joe Jonas. Never leave me."

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