Make It Right

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Demi let me move into her house temporarily and let me tell you, I was living in a small studio apartment before. I never take anything for granted. I finish curling my hair just as a ready as ever, Demi walks into my bathroom. "Good morning, Demi. You ready for tonight?" Demi plugs in my hair straightener, clamping the hot pads on throughout her hair, "Yep, but are you ready to see Joe again after the breakup?" 

I start applying my foundation as Demi watches me. She leans against the bathroom counter. "How was the gym?" I ask putting on setting powder, ignoring her question about Joe. "Really good. You should come with me." Demi says pleading me. I keep telling her that I don't want to go. She always says this when she gets done at the gym. "Demi, you already know my answer." I said then apply some mascara. I finish applying my mascara then I fill in my eyebrows. I set my face with the Rare Beauty setting spray.

Demi walks out of our bathroom. I clean up my things and put them away. "Hey, Y/N?" Demi calls me. I walk out of the bathroom, "What's up?" She turns around and she's only in her black bra. I raise my eyebrows. "Can you help me with what shirt I should wear?" She asks walking into her closet, I follow. I pick out a black and white tank top with a black jean jacket. "Do you like that?" I ask handing her the clothes. She tries them on, "Yep. That looks good, thank you." 

*knock knock* We hear a knock on the open closet door. "Hey girls. You both look pretty." Nick Jonas said leaning against the door frame. "Thank you, Nick." Demi and I say at the same time.

"Shall we go?" Nick asks pointing behind him. Demi and I nod. I walk in front of Demi, "Oh shit. Hang on, let me get my bag and some makeup." Demi says walking past me and Nick. "You guys go ahead. I'll be down in a sec." Demi shouts from the bathroom. Nick sighs, "Don't worry. She'll only be a minute. Let's go down to the car, we won't be late for your family's Christmas party." I squeeze Nick's bicep. He nods, we leave Demi's room and  head down to the car. Nick opens the front door for me, I walk out of the house and to Nick's car with him following close by. 

"Hey. Are you ready to see Joe?" Nick asks as I sigh climbing into the passenger seat with him already in the drivers seat. "No, but I haven't stopped thinking about him. I.. I still love him, I want to make things right." Nick locks eyes with mine, "I have a feeling he wants to make it right too. You didn't hear that from me." 

 Demi walks out 20 seconds later while zipping up her purse. She locks the door, slides into the backseat and hands me the keys for the night. Nick pulls out of the driveway. We arrive at Kevin and Danielle's house, Kevin Jonas Sr. opens the door. "Hey dad." Nick said hugging him. "Hello! Nice to see you again." He hugs both of us. I say hello to everyone except Joe.

Half way through the party, Demi excuses herself to the backyard with Nick. I glance at Joe, he glances at me and smiles. Joe walks up beside me,"Sooo, what's up with Demi and Nick?" Joe asks puzzled "I think they have a secret relationship going on, but this stays our secret until they say something." 

"I promise I won't tell." Joe checks me out quickly as I do the same to him; he's wearing a blue button, black pants and grey-cream shoes. "Listen, Joe, can we-" I'm interrupted by being knocked into from the back and falling into Joe, my white wine spills onto Joe's shirt.

Joe's hands quickly grab my waist as I fall, he helps me back to my feet and Frankie apologizes for backing into me. Joe raises his eyebrows, "So, you were saying?" I stammer for words, "Let's get you cleaned up." I set the glass on the island, grab Joe's hand and walk upstairs to the nearest bathroom. We walk into the bathroom, Joe closes and turn the lock so no one can come in. I look for a wash rag to wipe Joe's shirt. I turn around to see him shirtless ringing out his dirty shirt. "How's your shirt? I'm sorry about that by the way." He shrugs, "It's okay. Probably just have to get it dry cleaned and don't be sorry, it's not your fault." 

Silence fills the air in the bathroom, he throws his shirt over the top rod of the shower to let it dry. I try not to admire his upper body, but man he has sexy back muscles. Joe turns around, takes a few steps so he's inches away from me.

Joe pulls me into a hug, he whispers in my ear, "I miss what we had. I wish I could kiss you one last time." He hugs me tighter. "Joe, you know we can't. That was 3 years ago." I pull away from his hug. "I know, I just miss you with me. I wanna make things right so I have a surprise for you, come with me." Joe rests his hand on my waist for a second, he pulls his hand away from my waist and leads me into Kevin's music room. 

"Joe? What are we doing in here?" Joe grabs a guitar and starts strumming, "Just listen, please." He starts over and starts singing...

"You say you'll know when you really find the one
But it's hard to tell with the damage that's been done
But I'd like to say that it's your fault
But I know better
Cause I'm a fool to think you'll wait around forever
Maybe I, could have loved you
Maybe I, could have shown
That I still do care about you
More than you could know
Don't say it's too late to try
To make it right
Oh, to make it right, yeah
I didn't know how good you were for me
Now its clear, I'm seeing all that we could be
And I know that its my fault
But I'm gonna treat you better
Cause if I had one wish
You'd be with me forever"

He strums the last chord, "I told you I want to make it right with you and I know you do too. Look, I have something to ask you. Will you be my girlfriend again?" I take the guitar from Joe's hands, put the instrument back on its stand and inch closer to Joe. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck as he places his hands on my waist. "Joe, you're amazing, but my answer is... yes." Joe smiles and leans in, I feel the touch of his lips on mine and our lips move in sync with one another. I pull away thinking Joe needs a new shirt, "What's wrong?" He asks confused. 

"Um, you need a new shirt." I let my hands fall from his neck and intertwine our fingers. We leave Kevin's music room and find Joe a shirt which Joe stole from Kevin's closet. We walk downstairs to his family, I let go of his hand before they could see anything and before we got to the bottom of the stairs. Joe looks back at me and walks up a couple steps, "Let's keep us a secret for awhile? Please, Joe." He flicks his eyes from mine to my feet, I place two fingers under his chin bringing his face back up and we lock eyes. He caresses my arm lightly, I kiss his pink lips quickly then pulling away. He sighs before answering, "Okay, I promise. Just us."

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