Wine Stained Dress

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Julia's POV

Joe and I broke up one month ago, it's been hard to sleep at night. It's been hard, he's always been a positive light in my life. I've been supporting the Jonas Bros since I was 7 years old and to have them not be apart of my life in some way has been really hard.

I talk to Danielle and Kevin a bit, they give me updates on how Joe's been doing and how everyone else has been doing too. I just can't stand not being in any of their lives, it feels too weird. I want to talk to Joe, but I know.. I know I need to get over him. 

It's- It's just I've been in love with him for over 18years and how can you get over someone like him? You can't, I mean... maybe some people. Me? No I don't think I could. When I found out he got a divorce from Sophie 2 years ago, I was so happy yet sad. I loved them together, I think they both are terrific parents and people. Not to be selfish, I'm glad I got to have a piece of Joe to myself. Joe and I have always had this special connection as friends. When we got together though, it multiplied by a thousand.

Seeing the songs the guys put out, I know my time is going to come. Seeing photos of Joe online has been one of the hardest things. Look, I know what you're thinking; girl, just go see him or mute them. I can't. I am in too deep. They are family-

I get interrupted from my daily journal entry by my iPhone 17 Pro ringing. It's an unknown number; I answer it. "Hey." I know that voice immediately. I clear my throat. "Hi Joe." "I need help. Well, I need your help. Can you meet me at Jon & Vinny's at 7:30pm?" I think for a moment, a moment too long. "Julia? Please." I close my eyes. "Sure, I'll see you soon."

I hop out of my sweats, put on a cute red lace top with white corduroy button dress and brown heels to match the buttons. I already had my makeup and hair done thankfully. I walk out of my apartment to my car and drive up to Los Angeles from Long Beach. On the way, I played his music. It took me to so many moments between us and before meeting him.

I find a parking spot down the street and head into the restaurant. I am welcomed by the host, "Hi. Welcome in, do you have a reservation?" I look around the restaurant to see if Joe is there, I can't see him from where I'm at. "Is there a reservation for Joe?" The host looks at his iPad, "For Jonas?" He whispers. I nod. "Right this way." The host smiles at me. 

I follow him to the table Joe is sitting at, Joe sees me and the host. He immediately stands up from his seat, he's holding a rose, the host leaves us. "Hi." Joe smiles softly, quickly looking me up and down. "Hey." Joe quickly steps to the side of the table, embracing me into a hug and giving me the booth seat that's facing the restaurant. He pulls his seat out, giving me the rose and sitting down. 

"Thank you. So, what did you need help with?" Joe shakes his head smiling and looking at the empty plate in front of him. "I uh-" The waiter comes over, greets us and pours wine into our glasses. "Thanks." Joe and I say at the same time. "I uh, I don't need help. I just wanted to see you. Look, before you say anything, I want you to know that breaking up with you was the stupidest decision I've ever made. I never meant to hurt you, I never want to hurt you.. ever. I really want to give us a second chance. I got too into my head, freaked myself out and was scared that I would do something dumb which I did. And, I'm sorry."

Joe looks down at his lap. I sigh, he looks up and into my eyes. "Joe. I love you, I've loved you for the last 18 years. I don't think anything is going to change that, I appreciate that you acknowledged what went wrong and I know you didn't mean to hurt me. In the end, you did though. I never wanted to say goodbye, this last month has been the hardest ever."

Joe takes a sip of his wine, he reaches over the table to grab my hand, but ends up accidentally spilling my wine all over my dress. His eyes go wide as I process what just happened. "Oh fuck. I'm sorry, let's get out of here?" I look at my dress then at him, I nod. He takes my hand as I grab my purse and the rose. We walk out of the restaurant towards my car. "Did you drive?" He shakes his head no. "No, I Uber'd." I nod, unlocking my car. I shuffle all songs on Apple Music, 'I Can't Stop Loving You' by Phil Colins plays first. I map the route to my apartment as Joe starts singing along.

We arrive to my apartment after it feels like forever. We walk up to my unit, seeing that my door is cracked open. I look at Joe, his eyes flickering from me to the door. "Joe." I say concerned. He pulls me to his side, his hand on my waist. "Hey, I'm here. We'll do this together, I'm not leaving your side." He says softly, pulling me tighter. We enter my unit, the living room is trashed with all of my things scattered everywhere. We walk side by side checking every door, closet and any place someone could be. As we explore the apartment, we kept seeing all of my things all over the place. "Looks like nothing got stolen, who knows what they were looking for." I shrug still connected to Joe.

We clean up my apartment, I'm still in my wine stained dress. "Well, I am going to go change. Make yourself at home. I'll be back." I quickly go to my bedroom, get changed into sweats keeping my hair and makeup the same. I walk back to the living room to Joe sitting on the couch, patiently. "I always liked you in sweats. It's sexy." Joe looks me up and down. "Alright Joseph, calm down." I wink at him. I sit facing him on the couch. "Can we finish our conversation earlier?" I nod. "Julia, I'm want to give us a second chance. I won't let my head get in the way this time. And if I do, you don't have to see me ever again. With that, can we start over?" Joe clears his throat. 

"Okay, let's start over." I give him a soft smile, I flicker my eyes from his eyes to his lips a few times. Joe closes the space between us, he smashes his lips on mine. His hands cup my face as my hands travel from his thigh to his chest and up to his hair. I pull the back of his hair lightly. A soft moan escapes his lips. I pull him onto me as I lay down on the couch. I pull away from his kiss, biting my lip. "Never leave me again." I whisper in his ear, I linger my lips from his ear to his neck. I peck his neck multiple times as soft moans leave his lips. "Fuck, stop teasing." I lick his neck in a playful way then kiss his lips once more. 

We hear keys jingle on the outside of the door. Joe and I pull away from each other, sitting up quickly, grabbing my phone and cuddle into him. I show him my lock screen acting like I was showing him something on my phone all this time. "You should change that." He looks at me winking. My roommate walks into the house, "Oh. Hey Jul- Hi Joe. This is a surprise." She smiles at us, "What's going on?" I shake my head. "Later." Is all I say as she goes into her room. Joe changes my wallpaper to a photo of him and I three months ago backstage at one of his shows. Kevin took this candid photo of us; I am sitting on Joe's lap, looking up at him lovingly as he's mid-laugh. "I've always loved this photo." 

He leans in for a kiss. I stop him. "Stay the night?" He smiles at the question just asked. Joe nods, he kisses my forehead. "You never have to ask. I'm so in love with you." I smile to myself as I wrap my arounds around his waist, my head resting on his shoulder.

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