Love & War

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I walk into Joe and I's bedroom. Joe brings out his suitcase into our bedroom and puts in on the bed. I sit on the bed watching him look through his clothes. "How long will you be gone, J?" He sighs walking out of the closet with a few shirts in hand, "Um... five months." 

My eyes widen, "Joe, you're gonna be gone for five months?! Why are you now bringing this up a day before you leave?" He signs again folding his shirts into his suitcase, "Because I didn't want you to freak OUT, I JUST WANT THE BEST FOR YOU, FOR US." I clear my throat, "JOE! I WISH YOU TOLD ME EARLIER. I WANT... I want to support you, I want to be on tour with you. I don't understand why you think I don't, I really really just want to be by your side at every step of the way." He closes his eyes for a second, "I know, I know." 

He walks into the closet after our small argument. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I stand up from the bed, walk into the bathroom and about a couple minutes later out of the corner of my eye, I see Joe leaning against the door frame then disappearing. 

I walk back into the bedroom and sit back down on the bed. I watch Joe pack his suitcase, it's been 10 minutes since we yelled at each other. I bite my lip, "Babe, do you want any help?" I look him up and down then look up at his face. His head is looking down at his suitcase, he nods. I stand up and walk up behind him, I wrap my arms around his torso. My body pressing into his back and my head leaning in between his shoulder blades. I kiss his left shoulder, he turns his head to try and look at me, "I'm sorry." 

I rub his chest and stomach, "It's okay. Can I come with you?" He turns around in my arms, my hands rest on his waist as his hands cup my face. "I need you to come. I need you by my side, always." He pecks my forehead, I pull him into me so he's pressed against me. I look into his beautiful brown eyes, place two fingers under his chin, lean in and kiss his pink lips. Joe silently moans as we kiss. I pull away slowly. I slide my hands down his back and into his jean back pockets, slightly grabbing his ass. He head throws back for a split second, looks into my eyes. Joe wiggles his eyebrows, smiling. 

"Just for a little?" He whispers, leaning down, giving my neck a few kisses on both sides. I close my eyes, held my breath for a second, "Love, we gotta keep packing." Joe stops kissing my neck, groans falling back on the bed, next to his suitcase. I stand in between his legs, placing my hands on his lower hips. "I want to love you. Right here, right now. Please?" I climb on top of my husband, "Okay, just a little bit." 

Joe sits up, holding me on his lap. I lean in, kissing his neck and decided to give him a small hickey. He moans quietly, he takes off his shirt. Joe swiftly takes off my shirt, revealing me in my bra. Joe presses his lips together, checking me out. I lean into him, my boobs pressing against his chest. His fingertips running up and down my back as I go back to kissing his neck. I move down to his right collar bone, down his chest. I kiss his pecks, moving down to his abs then retracing my kisses back to his lips. He smiles in the kiss, his hands running up and down my back again. His hands land on my waist, trying to slide me back onto his lap. I make it easier for him by just doing it myself. I feel his dick rise against me, "Mmm fuck." Joe whispers.

I rub my hands against his sides, abs and chest, he pulls away slowly from the kiss. Joe gives me butterfly kisses and whispers, "I love you." I smile, "I love you too, that was a good make out session-" He clears his throat, "Woah, good? That was fucking great, babe." Those comments always make me chuckle, "Okay, it was great." I stick out my tongue, making fun with him. I give him one long kiss on the lips before getting off of him. I put my shirt back on and grab my suitcase to start packing. 

Joe watches me pack, I glance at him. "Yes, Joseph Jonas?" I raise my eyebrows. He crawls over to me on the bed, he embraces me into a hug. Silence fills the room. The warmth of his body runs all over my body. I rub his bare back as he hugs me tighter. Joe is so funny and sensitive, that's one of the many things I love most about him.

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