New Friends

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Mitsuba was always cocky for somebody who liked the color pink. He was picky and judged everyone. He never really had any friends, he was avoided by most of his class. Every day during break everybody would head out and play all sorts of sports together. Mitsuba admired the scenery and took pictures to make memories, he never knew why he would need them, but the 'memories' were comforting to him. When he wasn't admiring the scenery or taking pictures, he sat next to a tree and judged everything around him, it's not like he hated the people he judged, he just did it for fun!

'You can see the tag stick out his pants.'
'She's always trying to stand out!'
'They shouldn't be dating you can clearly tell the poor girl hates him!'
'I wonder if he even has any other pairs of shoes, he wears those every day!'

Mitsuba always went overboard with a certain boy's insults. They never met but the boy comforted him, and Mitsuba hated that, he wanted the flowers and birds to comfort him. Not some tall yellow-haired boy. He bullied him mostly because Mitsuba could not get him out of his head. It was like they had met in another life.


The next day Mitsuba had forgotten to bring his camera, so instead, he decided to do the usual insult habit. He started off with a group of boys who always were making houses with small sticks, before Mitsuba could even get to the fifth person he felt a slight tap on his shoulder that made him jolt. "Hey! What are you doing here? Come play with us!" said the same tall yellow-haired boy. He put out his hand expecting Mitsuba to reach it, instead, Mitsuba swatted his hand away, "Leave me alone, i'm concentrating on something right now." he declared,
"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Kou! What's yours?" Kou chirped sitting down next to Mitsuba.
"Mitsuba. Now please let me be." Mitsuba was annoyed, who would invite themselves over and sit right next to me? Is he an idiot?
"What are you doing!" Kou looked over Mitsuba's shoulder, he had a stick in his hand and was drawing a circle over and over again tracing it slowly. Mitsuba didn't answer Kou's question, either way, he kept muttering out words to insult Kou under his breath, he tried to make sure Kou wouldn't hear.
"Are you insulting me?" Kou asked shocked and also in a somewhat teasingly voice,
"Yeah?" Mitsuba muttered.
"Wow you're really mean." Kou poked at Mitsuba almost trying to make him laugh.

They both sat next to each other, Kou usually looking over Mitsubas's shoulder to see what he was drawing in the dirt, he also did it because his silly insults made him laugh.

One day Kou hadn't arrived at their usual spot, Mitsuba got up and started looking for him. "Have you seen Kou?" Mitsuba asked a short girl.
"No? What do you have a crush on him!" The girl snickered, Mitsuba rolled his eyes and slightly blushed. He kept walking around the school looking for him.

He hadn't searched one spot, the girl's bathroom. He didn't want to believe Kou could be in there doing perverted things, either way, Mitsuba crept his way inside making sure to try and not startle any girls there if there was any. He walked in and his jaw dropped, there was a faded figure talking to a fat ankled girl, and stood right there, a tall yellow-haired boy, the boy Mitsuba had been looking for.
"Minamoto-kun! Ew, why are you in the girl's bathroom!" Mitsuba flicked Kou's forehead, "I bet you were doing something perverted to any poor girl who walked in!"

Kou was very scared, he'd never seen Mitsuba this angry. The faded male figure flew towards Mitsuba. "Oh ho ho~ What do we have here? Kou's cute girlfriend?" He poked at Mitsuba's face. "I'm a boy for your information, but yes I am cute, thank you for noticing." Mitsuba tried to walk away but the boy followed,
"So you don't deny dating the kid?" Mitsuba turned around obviously blushing and looked the ghostly figure in the eyes, "WE AREN'T DATING ALRIGHT! IF WE WERE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO KNOW! I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME!" Mitsuba yelled trying to push the boy, instead, when he went to push him he ended up falling.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you! i'm Hanako-san of the toilet, part of the seven wonders, you can't possibly touch me since i'm a ghost! Only Yashiro and Kou can!" Hanako started standing in a heroic position.
"You're so rude Hanako-kun! You didn't even help him up!" Yashiro, the fat ankled girl held out a hand to him to help him up, Mitsuba got up on his own either way. "I'm fine, thanks Yashiro." Mitsuba walked towards Kou, he flicked Kou once again and asked why he hadn't met him in the usual spot.
"I didn't think you would mind!" Kou defended himself.
"I did care! You are my friend now I guess?" Mitsuba muttered, he barely had anybody to call his friend so he was a little new to the thought of friends.

After a bit of explaining about what Mitsuba had walked in on, "So let me get this straight. Hanako-san is a ghost, Yashiro formed a bond with him, and Kou-kun tried to exorcise Hanako-san but instead, they ended up becoming friends?" Mitsuba asked.
"Ah yes and don't call me Kou-kun just Minamoto-kun!" Kou responded,
"Why not Kou-kun?" Mitsuba asked genuinely curious,
"It's embarrassing!" Kou was blushing crazily, Hanako barged in to their conversation by stating, "First of all, I am not Kou's friend, I only stay near him to make sure he doesn't do anything perverted to Yashiro!" Hanako wrapped his arms around Yashiro with a seductive smirk,
"Hanako-kun. You're doing something perverted right now." Yashiro broke free from Hanakos embrace.
"Aww~ I was having fun hugging Yashiro!" Hanako pleaded, Mitsuba was laughing and so was Kou, they both got along so well yet so badly. Yashiro walked to Kou and said,
"Since Hanako-kun can't resist me guess I'll have to start dating Kou!" Yashiro said hugging him, "Senpai- you can't- I mean shouldn't date your underclassmen!" Mitsuba and Hanako looked at Kou who was trying to break free from Yashiros's hug. Mitsuba felt as though a weight fell onto his heart, but Hanako flew towards Yashiro and Kou and broke their hug, Kou stood next to Mitsuba, Hanako looked straight into Yashiro's eyes, "You are not going to date that kid." Hanako looked at her with a death glare. Mitsuba hid behind Kou, even though he wasn't being the one to get threatened, the air felt tense, Hanako let go of Yashiro's shoulder and let out a sigh. Mitsuba felt more comfortable now that he was with Kou and some possibly new friends.

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