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y/n's pov

I jumped up ready as soon as my alarm clock rung that first beep. I am not going to be a doofus today, that's for damn sure. I mean, sure.. I was awake about 2 hours earlier than I should be, but preparation is KEY.

I took my time in washing up and this time, carefully picked out my outfit. I had loads of time to organize my notes and gather everything I need for Eri today.

Files? > Check!

Dressed and ready? > Check!

Ready to show off in Mr. Grumpy's face at how prepared I am? > Double Check!!

Smiling to myself, I triple check if I had everything together and checked the time. Alright! Ready, and with an hour to spare!

Maybe I should get some breakfast! Or... Hm. Maybe I should wait for Eri so we can eat together. Spending my time for half the hour, I phone called Jordan to give her a goodnight/morning call.

Tapping my chin, I glumly remembered how Aizawa tried to apologize, I felt a bit guilty how I didn't properly accept. But the way he was speaking, it didn't feel sincere! Whatever, he's the least of my worries.

Grabbing my things, I head over next door and knocked loudly. "Rise and shine, sleepyheads! Let's get the day goin' already!"

I heard small pitter patter of feet from inside, and the door swung open quickly. There Eri was, dressed in cute casual overalls with kitten buttons. It seemed she was in the middle of putting on her shoes, and brushing her hair.

"L/n!" She cheered and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside. I was taken aback from this bright energy she was bursting with. But I'm glad she's a lot more comfortable with me. But I can see that somethings on her mind by the way she spaced off when she tightened her velcro shoes. Or.. at least tried to.

But it seems to be something good I assume, based on her never ending grin plastered on her face. Helping her brush the last stand of hair into place, Aizawa finally shuffled out of his room. Woah, he looks a lot more exhausted that usual. Eri rushed past him running to her room to go grab a few things before we go, causing him to stumble a bit.

"Just waking up?? We've been waiting for you for half an hour! We have shit to do" I teased sarcastically, using the same line he yelled at me with when I woke up late.

He didn't even look at me and awkwardly shuffled to the mini counter that held a brewing coffee pot. Eh? Quiet today?

He grabbed two mugs and placed them down, filling them up slowly. "Coffee?" He mumbled to me, glanced my way, but quickly looked back down. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Uh... no" I gave him a weird look and walked over to the mini hall. "C'mon Eri! Gotta be fast, like a hero!" I shouted and checked in my bag to glance at my phone for the time. "I'm almost done!" She called out, I can hear her shuffling through her room, slamming open and shut her drawers.

"Where are you guys headed today?" He asked emotionless, sipping the hot brew in his hands. "Away from you, Im sure" I stated blankly, not even bothering to glance up at him. Mentally, I smacked the shit out of myself.

What's up with you?? He's your coworker! There is no need to be so rude!

I can see him shoot his head up fast in my peripheral, and started to sweat nervously. Should I apologize??

I closed my bag and tried my best to look at him seriously with no emotion, trying not to give myself away. A part of me was screaming the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

That's Not It * Aizawa x Cat! Reader DISCONTINUED (Old Version) Where stories live. Discover now