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Eri's pov

I peeked open one of my eyes, watching Y/n's silhouette leave my room, shutting the door quietly. Why did they leave in the middle of the night? I didn't know until I heard them come in.

I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes, glancing around my room, watching the picture lights slowly spin around. Am I causing trouble? That's why they leave in the middle of the night?

I gripped my blanket, shaking my head. No that can't be it, they must've had to do something important..


"Mr. Aizawa...." I whispered after Y/n trudged to their room, after our appointment. They've been doing that lately.. after our session, they would immediately go to the room to plop onto their bed and sleep. They don't even talk to me anymore, unless it's about the raid..

"Hey Eri, how was it today?" He asked, picking me up onto the small sofa next to him. He set down the papers that were in his hands, placing the red pen down.

"Is... Y/n upset with me?" I asked, my eyes glued to the closed door. Mr. Aizawa stayed quiet for a while, before tapping my shoulder to make me look up at him.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well... they don't smile anymore for one thing.. And they sleep all the time. They are acting kind of like you, but it worse.. No offense" I explained, quickly waving my hand politely. He clicked his tongue softly but let me continue.

"I mean... they seem.. sad? They don't even turn into a kitty anymore like we used to.. And they seem to lose patience with me when I can't answer a question.." I sadly mumbled, remembering how they snapped at me to hurry up and answer a question the other day.

It wasn't always like that.. I admit I was scared when L/n raised their voice at me because I couldn't explain clearly what type of experiments were done on me, and how I felt about them. They've never done that before, until they went missing that one night..

L/n doesn't yell at me all the time.. But I fumble over my words nervously when they sigh loudly, as if they were annoyed with me. It makes me want to just come back to the room and hide under my bed.

Their harsh breaths and annoyed grunts make me shiver in fear, as his face flashes in the back of my mind.

I sniff, and quickly used my trembling hands to rub my eyes before the tears could fall. Mr. Aizawa wrapped his hand around me, and leaned down eye level.

"Hey.. They're not upset with you.. I guarantee it. They've just been so betrayed lately by their old friends.. They are becoming irrational by letting their feelings hurt their current.... friendships" He explained, slowly figuring his words towards the end.

Friendships... They're my friend right? Like Mr. Lemillion and Mr. Deku...

"What happened to them... that night?" I asked, and leaned into his side as he gently combed my hair through his fingers.

"Their best friend from home... did something really bad and disloyal to them. And the feel alone because they don't know who to trust now"

I know that feeling.. I was like that when I first came here to U.A after they rescued me. Poor Y/n.. I don't want them to feel like I did. What can I do..?


"I need your help!" I exclaimed to Mr. Lemillion and Mr. Deku. They tilted their heads curiously, as we sat in the common space of Dorm Building 1-A. "I want to make a party for L/n"

"A party? Is their birthday coming up?" Mr. Deku asked.

"No.. Like a tea party we have every Thursday. But we need it more special, and without their tea. They like (favorite drink) better" I explained, using paper to write down the name of the drink the best I could, silently sounding it out to myself.

That's Not It * Aizawa x Cat! Reader DISCONTINUED (Old Version) Where stories live. Discover now