Hide Out

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I awoke to the sound of rain hitting the roof. It was a peaceful splatter. It also felt nice to be cuddled up into the Irish boys arms. I nuzzled my head deeper into his chest as I felt his chest rise up and down. 

"Good morning," I heard his raspy voice say as tried to go back to sleep. 

"What's so great about it? It's like 7," I said not lifting my head. I felt him laugh as I comented. "What?"

"You're just funny that's all!" He said kissing my nose. The way he did that made my heart flutter. He was adorable. 

"Hello there love birds!" Louis said interupting our little cuddle session. Jeeze thanks for ruining the moment Lou. 

"Good morning Boo-Bear. Don't worry. Harry told me a few things," I winked sitting up.

"HARRY!" Louis yelled running up the steps. I couldn't help but laugh. Louis get embarressed very easily. 

"Here," Zayn said handing me a cup probably full of hot coco. 

"Have we heard anything?" I asked taking a sip. It was pretty hot that I burnt my tounge. Boo.

"Well according to every news station in the country, we're dead." Liam came out of no where. 

"And? What are we going to do about it?" I asked making room for Liam. He took a seat and sipped his drink pulling it away faster than I did. 

"Wow that's hot!" He said settting it on the side table. 

"We stay hidden. If the killers think we're dead maybe they will leave and forget about us," Zayn suggested. 

"You know that's not a bad idea," Harry said walking down with Louis.

"What will we do about food? Or clothes? I can't wear the same pair of jeans for the third day in a row!" I asked. 

"Well you are not the noticable. If we cut your hair and maybe wear a little more make up-"

"Are you kidding me? You're asking for me to cut my hair?" I yelled. "NO ONE! I mean NO ONEEEEEE touches my hair." 

"It's either cut the hair or dirty clothes and no food," Zayn said forcefully. 

"I swear Zayn if you mess up, you will not be waking up tomorrow morning," I said squeezing Harry's hand. I never cut my hair! It was so long and it was going to take forever to grow it out again. It's to save our lives. You can do it Carter.

"I have cut plenty of peoples hair. Chill out Carter," Zayn said. 

"He cut mine once!" Louis smiled. 

"Great. Now I'm really worried. . ." I laughed. Louis pulled a face and walked outside like the drama queen he was. 

Before I could react, Zayn snipped the scissors, making my brown fall to the ground. I felt a tear come from my eye. Really? Im going to cry over my hair? 

"It's okay Carter. You look better than I thought you'd look," Harry said letting go of my hand.

"Oh so you thought I was going to be ugly. Thanks 'brother' of mine."

"No! I didn't mean it like that! Oh my! NO! You look beautiful either way! I just liked your long-"

"Just stop. I was kidding," I laughed as Zayn took off the towl that was protecting my neck from the falling hair.

"Well Carter. You are done. And may I say-" Zayn began.

"No don't say it Zayn," Harry said stopping him. "Just no. That's just.. no."

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