Home Alone

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"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Anne asked gathering things.

"I'm positive. It's not my kind of thing anyways! You deserve a break!" I insisted. She gave me a sympathetic look and ran we hand through her hair.

"I just have never left you home alone. Are you sure?"

"Anne. I'm serious. If I get lonely, I will call Olive or Jacob. Now go have a good time!" I was practically pushing her out the door.

"Call Harry or Gemma if you can't get ahold of me or Robin. Don't answer the door for strangers and eat something!" She ordered grabbing her things. "Call if you need anything okay?"

"I will!" I said again getting a we but annoyed.

"Okay! Bye sweetheart!" She waved goodbye and excited the the house. Once the car was gone I slumped into the comfy couch.

Everyone was gone today. Anne went to get her hair and nails done. Maybe some shopping. Robin had work. Shianna was with Danielle and Eleanor. No way I would fit in with that. I hate shopping. And the boys had some album work. Which leaves me alone.

I decided to watch a bit of TV. I flicked through the channels coming to an interview with One Direction.

"So is this girl your girlfriend Harry?" The host asked.

"No no no. She's actually my sister." Sister. Hmm.

"Really now? That's amazing!" The hosts expression got big.

"It's an amazing thing his mum his doing. Carter is an amazing girl." Louis informed.

"Foster Care is an amazing thing. I would know. My two little girls are adopted. They are my world." The host was being serious.

"And like your two little ones, Carter is special to all of us. She's fun to he around, really funny. It's good to have her in the family." Harry smiled. The host went on about different things and it finally finished with them singing What Makes You Beautiful.

I was nice to know that they cared. Nice to know they like me and I wasn't a nuisance. I have come to enjoy these boys. They are really nice.

Since I was home alone, I'd thought I do something fun. Maybe read a book. Wash Kodi. Clean.

I'm not going to do any of that. Instead I will work on some music. Yeah that sounds like a great idea.

I hopped up the steps and pulled my laptop out of the bag. Whist doing this, I decided to Skype my cousin. She good with the music stuff. Like lyrics and such.

"Hello there beautiful," Courtney said accepting the call. I laughed and replied with a wave and a smile.

"How's my trust side kick?" I joked. She scowled making a pouty face.

"I thought we agreed I was batman and you were robin."

"I don't recall any of this."

"Shut up. What do you need baby cousin?" Her blonde hair was slicked back into a pony with strands falling by her crystal blue eyes.

"I was wandering if you would like to help with a song in writing. I understand you're busy but it would be nice." She kept getting side tracked with things around her. Signs that her roommate was probably there.

"I would love to but I have to finish this documentary by next week."

"How's Italy?" I finally asked.

"It's beautiful! I never want to leave!" She looked absolutely stressed. Something was bugging her.

"Court. You're going to have to tell me sooner or later what's up. You have been acting really strange lately," I commented. She met out a loud side and massaged her temples.

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