The End?

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That noise...will someone turn it off?




"Has she woken up?" I heard someone say. That voice sounded a lot like Harry's.

"Not yet," I heard another. I couldn't put my finger on it though.

"I'm going down to get something to drink," I heard Harry say. And with that the door closed. The beeping noise was still going on. It feel like I'm in some kind of video game.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to see Anne sitting there. She was crying softly into her hands. The way she cried made me want to cry. My mind went somewhere else as this was happening. The pale walls. The black beetle walking on the tiled floor. The hole in my sock. A hole in my sock? "Why is there hole in my sock?"

"Carter?" Anne said softly, lifting her head. Her eyes were puffy and red. How I hated seeing her like this. "Oh thank goodness!" She flew from for her seat, hugging me. 

"Where am I?" I asked, trying my best to make out waht I was saying through my raspy voice. 

"The hospital," she wispered. "Harry brought you here right after the accident."

"Harry?" I asked sitting up fast. "Where is he?" 

"He will be right back. Calm down," she said taking hold of my hand. "You have a couple broken ribs and a bad wound. You need to rest."

"I want to talk to-" Before I could finish, Harry walked into the room. 

"Hey beautiful," he smiled, taking my hand in his. "How are you feeling?" 

"Like I'm lying on my death bed," I laughed. Anne stepped out so one of the other boys could come in and talk to me. "What happened Harry?" 

"You were shot," he stated. "We were walking and, you..." He trailed off. "He tried to take you, but I jumped in and... You were really hurt." I tried my best to squeeze his hand. 

"Thank you Harry."

"It's over Carter. That man that shot you was arrested. David Horsely. He's locked up," Harry said smiling at me. I couldn't find words to say. The way he was so happy made me smile. Although we all know that this isn't over. 

"Carter?" I heard the familiar Irish accent say, coming into the room. "Hey baby girl. Are your okay?"

"I'll live," smiling up at him. He took hold of my hand, kissing the top of it. He took a seat on the end of the bed, pulling me into a hug. No matter how much it hurt, I wanted his hug more than anything. Sooner than later, all the boys were in the hospital room. 

"Hey boo," Zayn said hugging me. 

"You're looking better," Liam said, placing flowers on the side table. He leaned down, kissing my cheek. 

"MY BABY!" Louis yelled, hugging me in his arms. "My little kitty was hurt!"

"Kitty?" I asked confused. 

"That's your new name. Kitty," he smiled. 

"Right," I smiled. Soon Eleanor, Dani, and Shi came in. 

"GIRLS!" I tried my best to yell. All three jumped on the bed, crying and hugging me. 

"Oh my gosh!" Shi said crying into my shoulder. "I'm so happy." 

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