Superiority of Axis Alliance timeline

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January 30, 1933 

- Adolf Hitler took power as Fuhrer after the 'Night of the Long Knives', which killing anyone who threatens his power. Hitler announce that he will bring glory to Germany once again by breaking the Treaty of Versailles, rearmament the German military to increase number to have enough army to stand against foreign nations.

September 1, 1939 

- Nazi Germany and Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact.

- The WW2 started when the Nazi Germany invaded Poland at the west

- The Soviet Union invaded Poland at the east

- After Poland resistance destroyed, the two nations have half of the country.

April 9, 1940

- The Nazi invade Denmark as the Allied tries to evacuate and it was successfully retreated to Britain. But despite of successful evacuation, Denmark was surrendered.

June 9, 1940

- The Nazi invaded Norway to gain access of resources when the Allies make a blockade to prevent Norway selling stuff transported to Germany.

Jun. 10-12, 1940

- The Nazi able to break through French defenses and the Paris has fallen to the Germany hands. France splits into two continents; at the north is a Nazi occupation while at the south is a puppet state called Vichy France.

July 10, 1940–October 31, 1940

- The Nazi Germany went to air attack Britain which is knwon as Battle of Britain. Unfortunately for Germany, Britain have not giving up and they sent out waves of British air forces to show down Luftwaffe forces. This bring defeat for Nazi Germany.

September 27, 1940

- Nazi Germany, Japan Empire and Kingdom of Italy sign the Tripartite pact.

June 22, 1941

- The Operation: Barbarossa as Nazi Germany and the allies start to invade Soviet Union by massive wave of Axis forces. This caught off guard for Soviet Union as Germany broke a treaty and prepare for counterattack soon.

December 7, 1941

- When America initiated a total oil embargo, Japan forced to seek new sources to fuel its war effort. They decided to attack pearl harbor to cripple the supplies and destroy navy ships so Japan can continue expand its empire. Unfortunately, they didn't hit the important structures  so the USA repaired the ships to prepare for attack Japan. And thus, USA declares war on Japan and entering the WW2.

April 1942

- The Philippines, Indochina, and Singapore are surrendered and occupied by Japan.

June 28, 1942

- The German troops enters the city known as Stalingrad to meet the Soviet forces attacking them. The Soviet sends waves of armed and unarmed Soviet conscripts as they are brutally killed by German machine gun. Nonetheless, the Soviet prove to be ruthless and stubborn to surrender to the Germans.

July 2, 1942

- Reichfuhrer was receive order from Adolf Hitler to sent out the SS expedition force to Antarctica to build a secret base to build V2-rocket launch facility to turn the tide of war.

- A high-ranking SS officer charge of expedition named Bernard Volkmann is thinking the thoughts that the Third Reich won't survive against all Allies on both sides. And since USA join the war, it become more worse for Axis Powers so he dreams that someday when Adolf Hitler died, he will kill Reichfuhrer Himmler and take a position as a new Fuhrer. Then, the scouts come back to find something shocking discovery that change his life. He went to further icy wasteland to find an larger size alien spaceship stranded here in Antarctica.

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