chapter 2

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TW: Mentions of sexual assault

*8 months ago*

The team was called in for a case. Everyone except Emily showed up. At first, people just thought that she was running late, but it was coming close to 40 minutes and everyone started to worry. She wasn't answering her phone, so Derek told everyone that he would go check on her. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He kicked down the door and the whole place was trashed. There were books thrown on the ground and furniture was flipped on its side. Lamps and plates were smashed on the ground and there was blood splattered everywhere. Derek began to lose his breath. He was shaking as he reached for his phone. He called Hotch.

A little while later at the BAU they were all looking at the photos of Emily's crime scene. They were trying their best to keep it together, but they all felt guilty. Last night, Emily had asked everyone if they wanted to go out with her and get drinks, but all of them had other things that they wanted or had to do. Emily ended up going out alone. They think that last night was when she was taken from her home an injured in some way.

*Last night*

Emily's POV
We had just solved a case that was in Texas and we were flying back on the jet. It was expected to land at around 8:45, so I asked everyone if they wanted to go out and get drinks. They all had some lame excuses, so I decided to go alone. I went to this really crowded bar where the music was blasting so loud I could barely hear myself think. There was a guy across the bar I kept exchanging looks with. He seemed a little bit too much like a coward to come up to me, so I walked over to him. I introduced myself and he said that his name was Eric. He offered to buy me a drink. I debated on saying no because of how drunk I already was, but he seemed like a nice guy and I wanted to keep talking to him. He came back over with the drinks and I just sipped on mine, trying not to completely black out tonight. We just kept talking and getting to know each other. Eric is a vet that has two rabbits and a dog. After some dancing and more talking I started to get really dizzy and I didn't know what was happening. The next thing I knew I was being carried out of the bar by Eric. He said that he would take me home. He was a nice guy and I was in no shape to drive, or even walk, back home, so I just let him. I told him my address and he started driving. I passed out in the car and woke up on my couch. Eric was still here, which I thought was weird, but we could have just gotten here. He saw that I was awake and came over to me. I told him thank you and that we should, maybe, hang out again another night. Then, he said that he didn't want to go home. He climbed on top of me, but I was not going to let that happen. Not in my own home. I got my hands loose and started to slap and punch and kick. I wanted so badly to get out of there and be anywhere except in this situation. I finally managed to get up, but I couldn't walk straight. I started to throw things at him and I ran as fast I could over to the door but it was locked. Unlocking it was taking forever and I couldn't do it fast enough. He grabbed me and threw me to the ground. He called me a little bitch and told me that I just made things so much worse for me, but so much better for him. The last thing I remember is him shattering a lamp over my head and then darkness.
I woke up handcuffed to a pole in this really dark room. Eric repeatedly hit me until I fell onto my side and then kicked me until I finally passed out from the pain. I woke up what i'm guessing was about two hours later and he was staring at me like he was impatiently waiting for me. Eric then took me off the pole and handcuffed me to a bed with my arms spread wide. I knew what was coming next, but I didn't want to believe it. He roughly grabbed my hair and made sure that I was facing him and looking him right in the eyes. I just stared at him straining my self from looking away or making anything worse than it already was. Laying there, all I could hear were the springs of the seemingly old mattress and the grunts from Eric, if that's even his name. A single tear slipped from my eye, but I made sure that was all so he wouldn't get angry. I told my self that I just need to make it through tonight and tomorrow the team will find me. I knew, rationally, that may not be true, but I have to have hope or it'll be the end.

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