Episode 2, Chapter 1

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Chapter 2

As summer comes to an end, I'd like to share a few of the things I've learned about fun in the sun. Gossip Girl Summer Tip #1: Don't fall asleep on the job. The best hookups are free of morning breath and awkward conversation. The only thing harder than making up is waking up.

Blaine and Kurt needed to have a serious conversation. It was easy to push off the previous night as built-up emotions and misguided thinking, but would it last? Could they get back into things? What would be different the next time around? Blaine confessed what he still felt for the taller boy, but while Kurt's heart was in the right place, his mind was quick to reject it. Who is to say he wouldn't screw it up worse? He had already broken Blaine's heart once and was terrified of doing it again.

They needed to talk in front of people, possibly for a nice dinner. Somewhere quiet but populated. Somewhere it wouldn't be so easy to slip into what they were good at and ignore their issues. Blaine held enough passion and lust in his pinky finger that, if Kurt was being quite honest, it was difficult not to ignore their old, legendary chemistry and want to tear each other's clothes off. He couldn't let that happen again, not before they had the chance to talk. He didn't see him the rest of the night, and he figured he wouldn't see him again until they were both back in the city having thought through their actions.


Summer tip #2: There is no "we" in summer. Only "u" and "me." Find out where you stand before you find yourself stood up. Anyone can canoodle in July and August, but will he be gone by September?

Tina didn't get around to sharing this information with Blaine, or Rachel for that matter, but over the summer, she finally found a boyfriend. It was weighing on her more than ever because she was unsure if it would still work.

She met Mike while out of state with the Brainiacs academic decathlon team. The two bonded over their shared love for the arts. He was the most amazing dancer she'd ever seen, super athletic and handsome; he was more than she could have hoped for. Because he lived so far away, she'd figured he wouldn't even want to continue dating in the fall, but almost every night they'd been apart, he called her, and when they spoke, they would talk for hours.

Tina was also unsure if she should tell her friends because with her track record for love, and the fact that Mike wasn't around, she thought they might not even believe her, which would be just too embarrassing. Thankfully for her, she never had to worry.

Tina, like Blaine, was heading into her final year of school at a Brooklyn public high school. She'd dressed in a Topshop Peter Pan Smock Dress with the Mini Lover boots and black tights. [Born this way] Just before orientation, when she went to collect her textbooks, she saw a surprise face meeting her on the line.

"MIKE!" she said running and leaping into his arms. "I didn't know you were going to be in New York! This is so amazing. How long are you staying? I have so much I want to show you," she said all before finally jumping down. He held her arms and beamed brightly.

"I'm staying," he said simply. She balked.

"I think I heard you wrong. You said—"

"I'm staying in New York. My parents got transferred from Cleveland. It all happened so quick! They were worried they were pulling me away from my school, but I'm totally fine with it. I asked to get transferred here, and they had an open spot. It's official!" he said excitedly. Tina looked like she would pass out, but eventually started tearing up.

"I'm so happy," she said breaking into tears before Mike could ask her what was the matter. He kept smiling as he hugged her and let the other students ahead of them on the line.

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